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[Solved]get username of player from LivingHurtEvent.


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Hello all, just been going round in circles for a while with this problem, I'm trying to get the username of a hurt character.


I currently have a filter that means only entities that are of the EntityPlayerMP class, but i cant figure out how to get the username field from there.


Is there something in reflection API that I'm missing???


Or is there just a way easier way of doing this?


Current Code(that doesnt work fyi):


public class EILivingHurt {

     * General Living Hurt Processor
    public static void process(LivingHurtEvent event) {
        int xpAmount = (int)event.ammount * 10;
        DamageSource damageSource = event.source;
        EntityLivingBase entity = event.entityLiving;
        Class<? extends EntityLivingBase> entityClass = entity.getClass();
        String className = entityClass.getName();
        Type superclass = entityClass.getGenericSuperclass();
        EIDebugHandler.sendDebugInfoToConsole("Entity was hurt: " + className);
        EIDebugHandler.sendDebugInfoToConsole(superclass + " Superclass, Type: " + superclass.toString());
        switch (superclass.toString()){
            case "net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer":
                EIDebugHandler.sendDebugInfoToConsole("Player Was Hurt");
                Method method = null;
                try {
                    method = entityClass.getMethod("getEntityName", EntityPlayer.class);
                catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
                String username = null;
                try {
                    username = (String)method.invoke(entityClass);
                catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
                EIDebugHandler.sendDebugInfoToConsole("Player Damaged" + username);


Note that this code is just mashed together for testing purposes.



The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

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Sorry i should clarify...


In my eventHandler class i already have


public void onLivingHurt(LivingHurtEvent event) {


everythign works, except i cant figure out how to get the username of the "hurt" player.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

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