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Failure to decompile and patch Forge src files with install.sh


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OS is Ubuntu Lucid

Error appears to be due to 'astyle' which is already installed.



Latest recommended 1.6.2 build.


Terminal logs.


~/Desktop/coffee/forge$ sh install.sh

================ Forge ModLoader Setup Start ===================

MCP Detected already, not downloading

Setting up MCP

Patching commands.py

patching file commands.py

    Commands patch applied successfully

Copying FML conf

Creating Repackaged data

    Creating re-packaged srg

    Creating re-packaged exc

    Creating re-packaged MCP patches

== MCP 8.04 (data: 8.04, client: 1.6.2, server: 1.6.2) ==

"scalac" does not support jvm-1.6 target, it is out of date. Ignoring


The cleanup script will delete all folders created by MCP, including the

src folder which may contain changes you made to the code, along with any

saved worlds from the client or server.

If you really want to clean up, enter "Yes" Yes

> Cleaning temp

> Cleaning src

> Cleaning bin

> Cleaning reobf

> Cleaning jars

> Cleaning logs

Backing up client

Backing up server

Gathering assets list from https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Resources

    No new assets need to download

== MCP 8.04 (data: 8.04, client: 1.6.2, server: 1.6.2) ==

"scalac" does not support jvm-1.6 target, it is out of date. Ignoring

# found wine, ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss

== Decompiling client using fernflower ==

> Creating SRGs

> Applying SpecialSource

Stripping META-INF from jars/versions/1.6.2/1.6.2.jar




> Compiling AccessTransformer

> Compiling MCPMerger

> Running MCPMerger

> Running AccessTransformer

    Forge config detected

> Really Applying SpecialSource

> Applying MCInjector

> Filtering classes

> Decompiling

> Unpacking jar

> Copying sources

> Applying fernflower fixes

> Applying patches

> Cleaning comments

- Done in 289.03 seconds

== Reformating client ==

> Cleaning sources

> Replacing OpenGL constants

> Reformating sources

'astyle --suffix=none --quiet --options=conf/astyle.cfg src/minecraft/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecr...' failed : 1

Decompile failed

Decompile Exception: 1



MCP log of where it fails.


23:36:29 - == Reformating client ==

23:36:29 - > Cleaning sources

23:36:34 - > Replacing OpenGL constants

23:36:34 - > Reformating sources

23:36:34 - runcmd: 'astyle --suffix=none --quiet --options=conf/astyle.cfg src/minecraft/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/enchantment/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/settings/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/stats/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/main/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/gui/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecraft/clien...'

23:36:34 - shlex: ['astyle', '--suffix=none', '--quiet', '--options=conf/astyle.cfg', 'src/minecraft/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/enchantment/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/settings/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/stats/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/main/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/gui/*.java', 'src/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/*....

23:36:35 - Invalid option in default options file: add-brackets

23:36:35 - Invalid option in default options file: pad-header

23:36:35 - For help on options, type 'astyle -h'

23:36:35 - 'astyle --suffix=none --quiet --options=conf/astyle.cfg src/minecraft/*.java src/minecraft/net/minecr...' failed : 1

23:36:35 - Decompile failed



Edit: I removed both 'pad-header' and 'add-brackets' from both of the astyle config files, and it patched everything and finished setup without any fatal errors, but it doesn't seem to actually have decompiled and installed things properly, an 'eclipse' folder was made but according to: "There should be 1 project, named Minecraft. This contains both client and server code split between two source directories: common and src." it didn't do what it should have, the project folder sometimes was created with a Minecraft folder, when it was, it did not contain common or src folders with any files inside or linked in Eclipse.

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1) kill any MCP you have and only use the one Forge downloads during install

2) What version of astyle do you have? I can't remember off the top of my head but we need a fairly specific range

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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