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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. The site is dumb and doesn't like upper cases.
  2. You just need to run the updated installer like if you were installing a new server. You can overwrite an existing install with a new version.
  3. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/e2a68ad903e09604c3754a65cb1b0c8db72ae308 It was just a misapplied patch, update forge and you'll be fine.
  4. It is possible to write a coremod to turn Minecraft into WoW. So yes... it's possible, it looks like the movement is just grabbing part of the ground and moving yourself to it. So it shouldn't be too hard if you know what you're doing.
  5. Wayland isn't supported in vanilla minecraft until 1.20.2 As for anything the early loading screen does, you can edit the fml.toml to disable it. I dont think the environment variable has been functional since the loading screen rewrite.
  6. Some zip managers like to take control of the .jar file extension away from Java. Make sure you have Java installed and try running Jarfix once, then try the installer again.
  7. There isn't much we can suggest without knowing more details. You can try getting more details with spark, and using that to determine where you're going. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spark 1) Run /spark profiler 2) Wait a couple of mins 3) Run /spark profiler --stop and copy-paste the results link It should help give us more insight into why it’s lagging
  8. Ah, its old code that is outdated. Basically EventHandler is for FML specific events. Typically the lifecycle ones. On moddern versions its the modBus.
  9. SubscribeEvent is for our EventBus system, Not sure what you mean by EventHandler as that's not a Forge related class.
  10. You could but that would be stupid. And no people wouldnt buy it.
  11. You were doing so good. You're running the vanilla jar. Hence why it doesnt do any modded stuff Run run.sh
  12. > But you have to use a forked repo of forge and gradle to do that. Thats the toolchain im referring to. You need to make changes to make the toolchain working in the modern world. some people have hacked the old versions of the tools to function. But the better option is to build the tools to use the old version's data. Specifically updating https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle to be better.
  13. Its not a matter of 'allowing' it. Its a matter of the fact that the tools simply do not work anymore due to the rest of the internet and java changing. There is an effort (by me, very slowly) to get it working but there isnt much progress on it because to be quite frank I dont care enough. If you want to help with the tooling the feel free to hop on https://discord.minecraftforge.net and attempt to update the toolchain. The issue with 'support' for old versions is when people come and expect/demand I do the work for them instead of trying to help the community as a whole. So if you're willing to help then I can point you in the right directions.
  14. As long as you don't screw up the log4j config setting then we have a processor that strips them. So make sure you've installed Forge correctly and are launching it in a normal manor. If you are using a host, make sure they arnt adding weird things.
  15. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/4649f7af36ac709129a53f7fc2fd639b883474d9 Yes the networking has been rewritten to be simpler. All you really need is the ChannelBuilder class. You can see Forge's usage as an example.
  16. Or, you could just install Forge using our installer, put the mods you want into the mods folder. And use the vanilla launcher to run the game.
  17. controllable-1.16.3-0.8.3 forge-1.20.4-49.0.11 According to your logs you're installing Forge 1.20.4 while also trying to install a mod for 1.16.3. This wont work. MC mods are highly version specific. So you have to match the MC version across all of your mods.
  18. You can use websites like https://jsonlint.com/ to validate the format of json files. You added the IP address to the json file incorrectly. Use the in-game commands to ban the IP address instead of manually editing the json.
  19. We have, but its always a cat/mouse game. And the spam prevention service the forum is using is failing horribly. We're doing the best we can. And pastebin was just an example. You can use any common text hosting site.
  20. jar.manifestVersion is the version you found in the manifest. So if a mod specifies that as their version, then check the manifest.
  21. Version checking is also done off the main thread so it shouldn't effect startup times in any significant way.
  22. You can't change the vanilla loading screen with a resource pack {unless something has changed recently}, for the same reason that you can't change this one. They are done before mods are loaded.
  23. You don't. Its meant to keep with Mojang's branding colors. If you want a different color use the dark theme option in vanilla, it'll switch to black.
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