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[SOLVED] [1.17.1] AttachCapabilitiesEvent firing twice.

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Posted (edited)

Hey everyone,

I've been testing the new 1.17.1 way to create capabilities and for some reason the AttachCapabilitiesEvent is firing twice when I join a singleplayer world.

The code I used is here: GitHub - TheIllusiveC4/Curios at 726bfd9589d49174520379de8bfdb53b5208ed13 (this is not my code, I just it for testing purposes only)

public void onAttachEntityCaps(AttachCapabilitiesEvent<Entity> event) {
    if (event.getObject() instanceof Player) {
                CurioInventoryCapability.createProvider((Player) event.getObject()));
        LOGGER.info("Attached Capability!");


Also to do some more testing I've added a PlayerTickEvent (I know it's bad but its for testing xD):

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(bus= Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
public class EventPlayerTick {

    int count = 0;

    public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) {
        if (count == 100) {
            event.player.getCapability(CuriosCapability.INVENTORY).ifPresent((jobHandler) -> {
                int currentValue = jobHandler.getSlots();
                JobsPlus.LOGGER.info(currentValue + " | | | " + jobHandler + " " + event.player.getScoreboardName());
                jobHandler.setSlots(currentValue + 1);
            count = 0;
        count += 1;

and that outputs this:

[20:45:13] [Server thread/INFO]: 0 | | |  me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@3524f28 Dev
[20:45:14] [Render thread/INFO]: 0 | | |  me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@1014c825 Dev
[20:45:15] [Server thread/INFO]: 1 | | |  me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@3524f28 Dev
[20:45:16] [Server thread/INFO]: 2 | | |  me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@3524f28 Dev

So this definitely are 2 capabilities attached to the Player.


Any help is appreciated! Thank you.

Edited by DaqEm
Topic has been solved.

no there is only one Capability,
you don't notice that TickEvents fired twice (tick START and END),
also the TickEvents are fired on server and client

so if you don't check the phase and the side the Event is fired 4 times

  1. client START
  2. server START
  3. client END
  4. server END

also you can't use static values in Events, since they are not synced to the client and they exists for all Players (in this case)


Okay, so completely forgot it fired client and server side. I made some adjustments to the PlayerTickEvent and found the problem.

    public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) {
        if (event.side == LogicalSide.SERVER && event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {
            event.player.getCapability(CuriosCapability.INVENTORY).ifPresent((jobHandler) -> {
                int currentValue = jobHandler.getSlots();
                JobsPlus.LOGGER.info(currentValue + " | | | " + jobHandler + " " + event.player.getScoreboardName() + " server");
                jobHandler.setSlots(currentValue + 1);
        if (event.side == LogicalSide.CLIENT && event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {
            event.player.getCapability(CuriosCapability.INVENTORY).ifPresent((jobHandler) -> {
                int currentValue = jobHandler.getSlots();
                JobsPlus.LOGGER.info(currentValue + " | | | " + jobHandler + " " + event.player.getScoreboardName() + " client");
                jobHandler.setSlots(currentValue + 1);
[21:20:45] [Server thread/INFO]: 23 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@8899b18 Dev server
[21:20:45] [Render thread/INFO]: 31 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@3db84bfa Dev client
[21:20:45] [Server thread/INFO]: 24 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@8899b18 Dev server
[21:20:45] [Render thread/INFO]: 32 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@3db84bfa Dev client
[21:20:45] [Server thread/INFO]: 25 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@8899b18 Dev server
[21:20:45] [Render thread/INFO]: 33 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@3db84bfa Dev client
[21:20:45] [Server thread/INFO]: 26 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@8899b18 Dev server
[21:20:45] [Server thread/INFO]: 27 | | | me.daqem.jobsplus.testcap.CurioInventoryCapability$CurioInventoryWrapper@8899b18 Dev server

Marking this as solved.

  • DaqEm changed the title to [SOLVED] [1.17.1] AttachCapabilitiesEvent firing twice.

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