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Using ShieldBaseModel from vanilla, I have added a copper shield with the exact same model as the vanilla item.

It renders properly when holding it, but it doesn't properly go up when blocking with the shield. 

It's also slightly rotated when I look at the player in third person mode.

I can't figure out where the mistake lies, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am modding with Forge 36.2.6 for Minecraft 1.16.5


GitRepo: https://github.com/Leronus/mOres


Classes used:









Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

that's not a answer to my question 

Your question was and I quote "did you looked at vanilla?"

This can be interpreted in many ways, but I'm guessing that you meant "did you look at the vanilla source code for the shield?"

If that is in fact what you meant, I answered with "yes I did." 

I believe that suffices as an answer to your question but please correct me if I'm wrong.

In conclusion, I still don't see how a single annotation in a class used for saving the ResourceLocation of my shield textures impacts the way the model is rendered when blocking with the shield...

Edited by Leronus
1 hour ago, Leronus said:

I am? ShieldTileEntityRenderer extends ItemStackTileEntityRenderer

sorry, I forgot that vanilla handle rendering of Items in one class

the render code looks okay i think your blocking model is wrong

6 hours ago, Luis_ST said:

no, it's an error in your json models check them or use the vanilla one for testing

oh shit okay thanks I'll take a look at that

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Luis_ST said:

no, it's an error in your json models check them or use the vanilla one for testing

I have updated the json models. The blocking is now registering properly in third person mode, however when just holding the shield it is still slightly rotated.

It also appears to be rendering the blocking shield permanently in first person mode. Even when not actually blocking.

Any ideas what might be the cause?

Edited by Leronus

your copper shield json "extends" your wood shield, inside i found this error:

  1. wood_shield, line 17, translation y should be 2
  2. wood_shield, line 22, translation y should be -2
  3. wood_shield_blocking, line 17, translation y should be 5
  4. wood_shield_blocking, line 22, translation y should be 5

i'm not sure if this values cause the error but you can change them and test again

  • Thanks 1
38 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

your copper shield json "extends" your wood shield, inside i found this error:

  1. wood_shield, line 17, translation y should be 2
  2. wood_shield, line 22, translation y should be -2
  3. wood_shield_blocking, line 17, translation y should be 5
  4. wood_shield_blocking, line 22, translation y should be 5

i'm not sure if this values cause the error but you can change them and test again

Yeah that was my old model, I have since committed and pushed the new models, where new problems arise


Copper shield - Not blocking - Third Person (does not work as intended)


Vanilla shield - Not blocking - Third Person

Copper shield - Blocking - Third Person (works as intended)

Vanilla shield - Blocking - Third Person

Vanilla shield - Not blocking - First Person

Copper shield - Not blocking - First Person (does not work as intended, is being rendered as "blocking")

Copper shield - Blocking - First Person (works as intended)

Vanilla shield - Blocking - First Person


after use debugger in your repo i found the error:
that's your error compare this with the vanilla ItemModelProperty for the Shield

it should be:

(stack, world, entity) -> entity != null && entity.isUsingItem() && entity.getUseItem() == stack ? 1.0F : 0.0F


  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Luis_ST said:

after use debugger in your repo i found the error:
that's your error compare this with the vanilla ItemModelProperty for the Shield

it should be:

  Hide contents
(stack, world, entity) -> entity != null && entity.isUsingItem() && entity.getUseItem() == stack ? 1.0F : 0.0F


Bro I thought it was that statement too, back in 1.16.3 it was entity.IsHandActive(), but I couldn't find the right replacement. Apparently it's isUsingItem() as you said

Thanks a lot man!

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