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[1.17.1] Event to draw in the world before translucent rendering


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Hi. I am drawing a series of lines in the world and everything is going well except the lines are not visible when they intersect water (as with solid blocks)

I have the following code:

public static void drawLast(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
    renderMyLines(event.getMatrixStack()); // Draws lines perfectly except when they are underwater (and I'm not)

public static void drawSelection(DrawSelectionEvent event) {
    renderMyLines(event.getMatrix()); // Draws lines perfectly, even going underwater - BUT! ONLY when I'm looking at a block!

Is there an event I can use to render my lines such that they will be drawn correctly, even underwater and regardless of what I'm looking at?
I've searched through the code for forge hooks/events (especially LevelRenderer.renderLevel() where these events are triggered) but can't seem to find anything close to the above.

Many thanks.

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