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[1.16] How to remove a villagers default clothes when he changes his profession?


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Sorry if I explain this badly: Basically, I have made a Villager texture and I want to not have the texture for the Villager biome variant appear on them.


This is how I want the Villager to look in-game


This is how he looks in-game.

As you can see, the clothes (In this example the regular Plains Villager) still appear. Is there any way to change this?

Thanks in advance.




Edited by ChonkoTheGreat
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In the Main Class i have:

    private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {

Then I have VillagerUtil:

public class VillagerUtil
    private static Method blockStatesInjector;
        VillagerUtil.blockStatesInjector = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.findMethod(PointOfInterestType.class, "func_221052_a", PointOfInterestType.class);
    public static Set<BlockState> getAllStates(Block block)
        return ImmutableSet.copyOf(block.getStateContainer().getValidStates());
    public static void fixPOITypeBlockStates(PointOfInterestType poiType)
            VillagerUtil.blockStatesInjector.invoke(null, poiType);
        catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e)
    public static PointOfInterestType pointOfInterestType(String p1, Set<BlockState> p2, int p3, int p4)
            //          Constructor<PointOfInterestType> c = (Constructor<PointOfInterestType>)PointOfInterestType.class.getDeclaredConstructors()[1];
            Constructor<PointOfInterestType> c = PointOfInterestType.class.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, Set.class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
            return c.newInstance(p1, p2, p3, p4);
        catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
        catch (SecurityException e)
        catch (InstantiationException e)
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
        return null;
    public static VillagerProfession villagerProfession(String p1, PointOfInterestType p2, ImmutableSet<Item> p3, ImmutableSet<Block> p4, @Nullable SoundEvent p5)
            Constructor<VillagerProfession> c = VillagerProfession.class.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, PointOfInterestType.class, ImmutableSet.class, ImmutableSet.class, SoundEvent.class);
            return c.newInstance(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
        catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
        catch (SecurityException e)
        catch (InstantiationException e)
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
        return null;



@EventBusSubscriber(modid = MikesFancyContent.MOD_ID, bus = Bus.MOD)
public class ProfessionInit {
        public static final VillagerProfession HATMAKER = null;
        public static void registerVillagerProfessions(Register<VillagerProfession> event)
            IForgeRegistry<VillagerProfession> registry = event.getRegistry();
             registry.register(VillagerUtil.villagerProfession("hatmaker", PointOfInterestTypes.HATMAKER, ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSet.of(), null).setRegistryName(MikesFancyContent.MOD_ID, "hatmaker"));



@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MikesFancyContent.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE)

public class TradeRegistration {
    public static void registerTrades(VillagerTradesEvent event){

        if (event.getType() == ProfessionInit.HATMAKER)
        	event.getTrades().get(1).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.05F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.STRING, 5, 1).build()));
        	event.getTrades().get(1).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.05F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.FEATHER, 5, 1).build()));
        	event.getTrades().get(2).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.2F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.WHITE_WOOL, 5, 2).build()));
        	event.getTrades().get(2).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.2F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.BLACK_WOOL, 1, 2).build()));
            //gonna change the rest soon -mike
        	event.getTrades().get(3).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.05F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.DIRT, 1, 2).build()));
        	event.getTrades().get(3).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.05F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.DIRT, 1, 2).build()));
        	event.getTrades().get(4).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.2F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.DIRT, 1, 2).build()));
        	event.getTrades().get(4).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.2F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.DIRT, 1, 2).build()));
        	event.getTrades().get(5).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 25, 0.2F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 1,1).setForSale(Items.DIRT, 1, 2).build()));    
        	event.getTrades().get(5).add((new TradeBuilder(64, 50, 0.05F).setPrice(Items.EMERALD, 3,6).setForSale(Items.DIRT, 1, 1).build()));    


public class TradeBuilder {
    private static final ArrayList<ArrayList<TradeBuilder>> TRADES_LIST = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i = 0; i <= 6; ++i)
            TradeBuilder.TRADES_LIST.add(new ArrayList<TradeBuilder>());
    private static ArrayList<TradeBuilder> getList(int i)
        return TradeBuilder.TRADES_LIST.get(i);
    private static void register(int i, TradeBuilder tradeBuilder)
    public static void forEachLevel(BiConsumer<Integer, TradeBuilder> consumer)
        ArrayList<TradeBuilder> list;
        for(int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i)
            list = TradeBuilder.TRADES_LIST.get(i - 1);
            for(TradeBuilder tradeBuilder : list)
                consumer.accept(i, tradeBuilder);
    public static void forEachLevel(Consumer<TradeBuilder> consumer)
        TradeBuilder.forEachLevel((level, tradeBuilder) -> consumer.accept(tradeBuilder));
    public static void forEachWanderer(Consumer<TradeBuilder> consumer)
        ArrayList<TradeBuilder> list = TradeBuilder.TRADES_LIST.get(5);
        for(TradeBuilder tradeBuilder : list)
    public static void forEachWandererRare(Consumer<TradeBuilder> consumer)
        ArrayList<TradeBuilder> list = TradeBuilder.TRADES_LIST.get(6);
        for(TradeBuilder tradeBuilder : list)
    protected Function<Random, ItemStack> price;
    protected Function<Random, ItemStack> price2;
    protected Function<Random, ItemStack> forSale;
    protected final int maxTrades;
    protected final int xp;
    protected final float priceMult;
    protected boolean rare;
    public TradeBuilder(int maxTrades, int xp, float priceMult)
        this.price = null;
        this.price2 = (random) -> ItemStack.EMPTY;
        this.forSale = null;
        this.maxTrades = maxTrades;
        this.xp = xp;
        this.priceMult = priceMult;
        this.rare = false;
    public TradeBuilder setPrice(Function<Random, ItemStack> price)
        this.price = price;
        return this;
    public TradeBuilder setPrice(Item item, int min, int max)
        return this.setPrice(TradeBuilder.createFunction(item, min, max));
    public TradeBuilder setPrice2(Function<Random, ItemStack> price2)
        this.price2 = price2;
        return this;
    public TradeBuilder setPrice2(Item item, int min, int max)
        return this.setPrice2(TradeBuilder.createFunction(item, min, max));
    public TradeBuilder setForSale(Function<Random, ItemStack> forSale)
        this.forSale = forSale;
        return this;
    public TradeBuilder setForSale(Item item, int min, int max)
        return this.setForSale(TradeBuilder.createFunction(item, min, max));
    public TradeBuilder setForSale(MusicDiscItem item, int min, int max)
        return this.setForSale(TradeBuilder.createFunction(item, min, max));

    public TradeBuilder setForSale(RegistryObject<MusicDiscItem> item, int min, int max)
        return this.setForSale(TradeBuilder.createFunction(item, min, max));

	public TradeBuilder setEmeraldPrice(int emeralds)
        return this.setPrice((random) -> new ItemStack(Items.EMERALD, emeralds));
    public TradeBuilder setEmeraldPriceFor(int emeralds, Item item, int amt)
        return this.setForSale((random) -> new ItemStack(item, amt));
    public TradeBuilder setEmeraldPriceFor(int emeralds, Item item)
        return this.setEmeraldPriceFor(emeralds, item, 1);
    public TradeBuilder setEmeraldPrice(int min, int max)
        return this.setPrice(Items.EMERALD, min, max);
    public TradeBuilder setEmeraldPriceFor(int min, int max, Item item, int amt)
        this.setEmeraldPrice(min, max);
        return this.setForSale((random) -> new ItemStack(item, amt));
    public TradeBuilder setEmeraldPriceFor(int min, int max, Item item)
        return this.setEmeraldPriceFor(min, max, item, 1);
    public TradeBuilder setRare()
        this.rare = true;
        return this;
    public boolean canBuild()
        return this.price != null && this.forSale != null;
    public ITrade build()
        return (entity, random) -> !this.canBuild() ? null : new MerchantOffer(this.price.apply(random), this.price2.apply(random), this.forSale.apply(random), this.maxTrades, this.xp, this.priceMult);
    public static Function<Random, ItemStack> createFunction(Item item, int min, int max)
        return (random) -> new ItemStack(item, random.nextInt(max) + min);
    protected TradeBuilder register(int index)
        TradeBuilder.register(index, this);
        return this;
     * @param level 1-5
    public TradeBuilder registerLevel(int level)
        return this.register(level - 1);
    public TradeBuilder registerWanderer(boolean rare)
        return this.register(rare ? 6 : 5);

and lastly, PointOfInterestTypes:

@EventBusSubscriber(modid = MikesFancyContent.MOD_ID, bus = Bus.MOD)
public class PointOfInterestTypes {
	public static final PointOfInterestType HATMAKER = null;
    public static void registerPointOfInterestTypes(Register<PointOfInterestType> event)
        IForgeRegistry<PointOfInterestType> registry = event.getRegistry();

        registry.register(VillagerUtil.pointOfInterestType("hatmaker", VillagerUtil.getAllStates(BlockInit.HATMAKER_POI.get()), 1, 1).setRegistryName(MikesFancyContent.MOD_ID, "hatmaker"));




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