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Jokes aside, this might look like an incredibly stupid question but ... can you create a 1.12.2 mods today? I want to create a mod specifically for 1.12.2 for many reasons, but I just can't set the project up!

I am not a newbie to programming, but I am to Minecraft mods themselves. So what did I do?

So the forge documentation for the latest versions tell you to use gradlew genEclipseRuns and gradlew eclipse, so that's what I did, but it did not import the net.minecraft library, so I said to myself "I remember there is some different command for 1.12 and I heard a ton of discussion ... ". Googled it a little bit and I found out I was right! And that was gradlew setupDecompWorkspace! So I ran it ... and got the classic error message "setupDecompWorkspace not present in project folder" or "setupDecompWorkspace is not an available gradle task" and so on and so forth. So I said "ok, maybe to make mods for older Minecraft, you need older gradle" so I downgraded (trying version by version) my gradle installation all the way to 0.7, but to no avail (not after realizing that gradlew is not gradle itself ...). So I google a lot more, and I just find people saying that setupDecompWorkspace does not exist anymore and I should only use "gradlew genEclipseRuns", but it does not download the dependencies, and sadly, as we know, they are kind of required.

I googled a lot more and found nothing, every tutorial uses setupDecompWorkspace, so I even tried letting my IDE (Eclipse ofc) having a different interaction with the build.gradle, letting it read from the folder or letting it read from the build.gradle file directly, yet to no avail. Can't get setupDecompWorkspace in my computer and can't make genEclipseRuns download the dependencies decently, and I tried tons of forums answers from other people having other issues.


Any help, as simple as it can get, would be greatly appreciated, really, I find no help either in forums either in documentation ...

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