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4 hours ago, TimTarAn said:

I want to do this:
If player has 1 heard he will die if don't heal hearts to 3 in 1 minute

Do you know Java? If not, you need to learn it to mod minecraft, not really any exceptions or way around this.

Have you ever made a minecraft mod before? If not, start small, made a simple block, a simple item, simple stuff to get familiar with it.

If you've done both of these already, then try something! If it doesn't work, no big deal, try again! And/or, post your code in the support forum, along with what you are trying to accomplish, and what is not working/actually happening, and people will more than likely give you a hand.

I have noticed that the more effort you put in, the more help people are willing to give!

Good luck to you! :)

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