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How can I modify an existing mob/entity


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Events, mostly.

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You can better explain how to do this using events...?

It's just that I haven't found much content on the internet and I really have no idea how to change something from vanilla.  😓


Suppose I want to change a zombie's attributes, how would I do that?  🤔

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        public static void entityJoinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event){
            event.getEntity() // ? 
              //Entity#getAttributes().addTransientAttributeModifiers              ?
              //event.getAttributes().addTransientAttributeModifiers               ?
              //event.getEntity.addTransientAttributeModifiers                     ?


Is it something like that?
Does it work on 1.18.1? I'm putting it in a class that I named ForgeEvents.

It's just that I'm really lost on this topic. Where for sure I have to put this code, because it gives an error in any part I put.



If it's simpler to explain, it could teach me how to remove the spawn of a mob (remove it completely (ex: stop spawning zombies)), so I remove the entity and change it for a custom one.

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7 hours ago, Brun0_MF said:
        public static void entityJoinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event){
            event.getEntity() // ? 
              //Entity#getAttributes().addTransientAttributeModifiers              ?
              //event.getAttributes().addTransientAttributeModifiers               ?
              //event.getEntity.addTransientAttributeModifiers                     ?


Is it something like that?
Does it work on 1.18.1? I'm putting it in a class that I named ForgeEvents.

It's just that I'm really lost on this topic. Where for sure I have to put this code, because it gives an error in any part I put.



If it's simpler to explain, it could teach me how to remove the spawn of a mob (remove it completely (ex: stop spawning zombies)), so I remove the entity and change it for a custom one.

like this:


                Entity entity = event.getEntity();
                if (entity.isAlive() && entity instanceof ZombieEntity) {
                    ZombieEntity zombie = (ZombieEntity) entity;
                    // TODO ...

Cancel zombie spawn

Edited by Spring
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diesieben07, the first thing in the comment was what you sent, it wasn't an attempt, it was just the basis for the attempts.
I have a java course, but I haven't studied what each forge class has yet, and as the forge documentation is not very complete, it's difficult to know how to work with it.

Spring, won't this code to remove entities slow down the game? Since it will check each entity that is generated and eliminate if it is a zombie... (Just out of curiosity, since your code works...)

With what you said and with the code that Spring sent I got something...

        @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
        public static void entityJoinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event){

            Entity entity = event.getEntity();
            if (entity.isAlive() && entity instanceof Zombie) {
                Zombie zombie = (Zombie) entity;
                zombie.getAttributes().addTransientAttributeModifiers(); //not complete



With this code how can I do to, for example, increase movement speed or maximum health?

Something like:

     .addTransientAttributeModifiers(new AttributeModifier(    ?       ?      ?     ))



How do I use the AttributeModifier?


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What are the names and types of the parameters?

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OK, now that I have the attributemodifier created how should I put it in that method and how will I define in which attribute it should add those values.🤔

    public static final AttributeModifier AM = new AttributeModifier("attributemodifier",5d, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION);


simply do "addTransientAttributeModifiers(AM);" doesn't work because it requires a Multimap


<edit> I've been reading a bit about multimap but I'm still not sure how to create a multimap correctly if they can tell me how to create a mutimap. I appreciate it, :) 

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Okay, an update...
I managed to create the multimap, I don't know if it's 100% correct (if not, thanks for the corrections)...
The problem is that it gives an error when I put it in ".addTransientAttributeModifiers(EntityModify());"

    public static final AttributeModifier AM = new AttributeModifier("attributemodifier",5d, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION);

    public static Multimap<String,AttributeModifier> EntityModify(){
        Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> map = HashMultimap.create();
        return map;
        @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
        public void entityJoinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event){

            Entity entity = event.getEntity();
            if (entity.isAlive() && entity instanceof Zombie) {
                Zombie zombie = (Zombie) entity;
                zombie.getAttributes().addTransientAttributeModifiers(EntityModify()); //Error here



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28 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Não sei por que fez disso um método, mas... Ok. Não dói nada. Seria melhor usar ImmutableMultimap em um campo final estático.

Seu problema, porém, é que (como você pode esperar ver) adicionarTransientAttributeModifiers leva um Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier>. Você está dando outra coisa.

I've been looking at examples of how to use multimap and most used it like that, so I decided to do that too. I don't think it makes a difference.
Ah thank you!
I really hadn't noticed.



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    public static final AttributeModifier AM = new AttributeModifier("attributemodifier",2000d, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION);

    public static Multimap<Attribute,AttributeModifier> EntityModify(){
        Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> map = HashMultimap.create();
        return map;

        @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
        public void entityJoinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event){

            Entity entity = event.getEntity();
            if (entity.isAlive() && entity instanceof Zombie) {
                Zombie zombie = (Zombie) entity;



This is the code...
It turns out that something must be missing, because it's not affecting the entity.

event.setCanceled(true) works, but the rest doesn't.

I think it's because we haven't sent data for the event yet.
We create an instance of a zombie based on the event, but we don't send the data back to it.

Could you tell me how to make it work?

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4 hours ago, Brun0_MF said:

I've been looking at examples of how to use multimap and most used it like that, so I decided to do that too. I don't think it makes a difference.

It's a technique called Generics. Just as a List<string> and List<integer> take strings and integers respectively, a HashMap (or Dictionary) maps a key to a value. For example if you wanted to create a table of products and their prices, you might use a HashMap<string,float> mapping the string-name of the product to the float-value of the product.
(A multimap is mostly just syntactic sugar for HashMap<K,List<V>> and the fact that it maps one key to multiple values is all you need to know)

So yes, the Type of the key value is important.

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I went to do some tests and found that the error is here:

        @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
        public void entityJoinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event){

            Entity entity = event.getEntity();
            if (entity.isAlive() && entity instanceof Zombie) {
                Zombie zombie = (Zombie) entity;


Error: Entity is not modified.

An instance of the Zombie class is created based on the event, but we don't modify the event, so nothing happens.
The event had to be exchanged for the modified entity "zombie", but I can't find a way to do that...😓



Another question, how to completely disable the natural generation of an entity, without waiting for it to spawn and then despawn.🤔

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But when I wanted to disable an event I used "event.setCanceled (true);", when I modified the entity I didn't use the event anymore but the "zombie.getAttributes(). AddTransientAttributeModifiers (EntityModify());" (I used "zombie" and not event). Don't we have to pass the zombie class to the event?

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Or you could just have used git the way git is meant to be used.

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