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Hey guys. It's me. Again! Last time I asked for help, I didn't get any help, so once again. I need to make a function that will check where the player is pointing at(south, Southeast, east and so on...) and to check which metadata of the block is placed. I can't explain so well with what do I need help. So here is the thing for one block: first and the second metadata of blocks are regular blocks. They have no special things. So the third metadata has an arrow texture on top of it pointing at north, the fourth should be pointing at Northwest and so on. I have made all these textures. So if the player places the block with the third metadata while his pointing at west, the metadata placed on the world will be fifth one or number 4. Can you help me guys, please! If you don't understand what I just have written then I'll explain it again.


I'm not really sure how you're doing this, but I tested out a command to return the f: value in the F3 menu (Tells if you're facing north/south/east/west)  I haven't done much with blocks, so I'm not really sure if its possible to get the username or EntityPlayer of the person who placed it.


//ICommandSender is used in commands... Which is what I tested this out on.
//EntityPlayer.rotationYaw is what contains the direction
    EntityPlayer player =  MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().getPlayerForUsername(icommandsender.getCommandSenderName());


And that should send a message of a value between -359 and +359... in order to make sure you get the right value just do something like


float yaw = player.rotationYaw;
if(yaw < 0)
    yaw += 360;


Anyways, the values would be


0 = South

90 = West

180 = North

270 = East


And you should be able to figure out the half-directions from there.


You can get the direction and save it into the metadata with this code :


 int metadata = par1World.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4);
        int playerDirection = MathHelper.floor_double((double)((par5EntityLivingBase.rotationYaw * 4F) / 360F) + 0.5D) & 3;
        if(metadata == 0)
                case 0: metadata += 2; break; //South Facing Block = meta 2
                case 1: metadata += 3; break; //West Facing Block = meta 3
                case 2: metadata += 0; break; //North Facing Block = meta 0
                case 3: metadata += 1; break; //East Facing Block = meta 1
        par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, metadata, 3);


Then you just have to

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