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ExperienceOrb migration bug [1.18.1]


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Since 1.18 the ExperienceOrb improperly repairs items. Having one orb it sometimes may repair all armor. In the repairing method:

   private int repairPlayerItems(Player p_147093_, int p_147094_) {
      Entry<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack> entry = EnchantmentHelper.getRandomItemWith(Enchantments.MENDING, p_147093_, ItemStack::isDamaged);
      if (entry != null) {
         ItemStack itemstack = entry.getValue();
         int i = Math.min((int) (this.value * itemstack.getXpRepairRatio()), itemstack.getDamageValue());
         itemstack.setDamageValue(itemstack.getDamageValue() - i);
         int j = p_147094_ - this.durabilityToXp(i);
         return j > 0 ? this.repairPlayerItems(p_147093_, j) : 0;
      } else {
         return p_147094_;

the "this.value" is never been decreased. Looking to the [1.17.1] and older versions it should use "p_147094_" instead of "this.value".


Also the methods:

   private int durabilityToXp(int p_20794_) {
      return p_20794_ / 2;

   private int xpToDurability(int p_20799_) {
      return p_20799_ * 2;

merely ignore the the item specific repair cost using the default value "2" instead. Seems it should take "ItemStack" as a parameter to calculate proper remaining XP value.

So maybe the proper port should look like:

    private int repairPlayerItems(Player p_147093_, int p_147094_) {
        Map.Entry<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack> entry = EnchantmentHelper.getRandomItemWith(Enchantments.MENDING, p_147093_, ItemStack::isDamaged);
        if (entry != null) {
            ItemStack itemstack = entry.getValue();
            int i = Math.min(xpToDurability(itemstack, p_147094_), itemstack.getDamageValue());
            itemstack.setDamageValue(itemstack.getDamageValue() - i);
            int j = p_147094_ - this.durabilityToXp(itemstack, i);
            return j > 0 ? this.repairPlayerItems(p_147093_, j) : 0;
        } else {
            return p_147094_;

    private int durabilityToXp(ItemStack itemstack, int p_20794_) {
        return (int) (p_20794_ / itemstack.getXpRepairRatio());

    private int xpToDurability(ItemStack itemstack, int p_20799_) {
        return (int) (p_20799_ * itemstack.getXpRepairRatio());


Edited by Zeram
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Bug 1: spawn orb with 30 value and create two damaged item 2*29=58 damage and 2*30=60. One orb fully repairs 1th item then 2nd so outcome like from two orbs with 29 and 30 value.
Bug 2: spawn orb with value 1. It fully repair all armor with the getXpRepairRatio<2 let's say 1.68f because p_20794_ / 2 -> (int)(1 * 1.68f) / 2 = 0 -> int j = p_147094_ - 0 = p_147094_: the orb value is never being exhausted.

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