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Checking libraries, please wait...
All libraries are nice :) !
Checking the installation, please wait.
Finished the install verification process !
[13:11:30 INFO]: Update in check...
[13:11:30 INFO]: If you don't want to enable update check, set check_update in mohist-config/mohist.yml to false
[13:11:35 INFO]: No update found, latest version: (1.16.5-953) current version: (1.16.5-953)
[13:11:35 INFO]: ModLauncher running: args [--gameDir, ., --launchTarget, fmlserver, --fml.mohistVersion, 953, --fml.forgeVersion, 36.2.26, --fml.mcpVersion, 20210115.111550, --fml.mcVersion, 1.16.5, --fml.forgeGroup, com.mohistmc, launchedWithCustomJava11]
[13:11:35 INFO]: ModLauncher 8.1.3+8.1.3+main-8.1.x.c94d18ec starting: java version 11.0.10 by AdoptOpenJDK
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by cpw.mods.modlauncher.SecureJarHandler (file:/home/mproser/libraries/cpw/mods/modlauncher/8.1.3/modlauncher-8.1.3.jar) to field java.util.jar.Manifest.jv
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of cpw.mods.modlauncher.SecureJarHandler
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[13:11:35 INFO]: Added Lets Encrypt root certificates as additional trust
[13:11:35 INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.4 Source=file:/home/mproser/libraries/org/spongepowered/mixin/0.8.4/mixin-0.8.4.jar Service=ModLauncher Env=SERVER
[13:11:37 INFO]: [org.antlr.v4.runtime.ConsoleErrorListener:syntaxError:38]: line 1:0 token recognition error at: '~'
Init CreativeCore coremods ...
[13:11:38 ERROR]: Mixin config phosphor_reloaded.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
[13:11:39 INFO]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [org.infernalstudios.infernalexp.mixin.MixinConnector]
[13:11:39 INFO]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [tictim.paraglider.MixinConnector]
[13:11:39 INFO]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [vazkii.botania.common.MixinConnector]
[13:11:39 INFO]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [vazkii.patchouli.common.MixinConnector]
[13:11:39 INFO]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [com.integral.enigmaticlegacy.MixinConnector]
[13:11:39 INFO]: Launching target 'fmlserver' with arguments [--gameDir, ., launchedWithCustomJava11]
[13:11:39 WARN]: Reference map 'untamedwilds.refmap.json' for untamedwilds.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[13:11:39 INFO]: Transforming class: net.minecraft.entity.Entity
[13:11:40 INFO]: Transforming class: net.minecraft.entity.Entity
[13:11:41 WARN]: Error loading class: shadows/apotheosis/ench/table/ApothEnchantContainer (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: null)
[13:11:41 WARN]: Error loading class: net/darkhax/darkutils/features/charms/CharmEffects (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: null)
[13:11:41 WARN]: Error loading class: com/brandon3055/csg/ModEventHandler (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: null)
[13:11:42 INFO]: Transforming class: net.minecraft.entity.Entity
[13:11:44 INFO]: Mixing MixinEnchantment from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment
[13:11:45 INFO]: Mixing MixinForgeHooks from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks
[13:11:45 INFO]: Using Java 9+ class definer
[13:11:45 INFO]: Transforming class: net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
[13:11:46 INFO]: Transforming class: net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
[13:11:46 INFO]: Mixing MixinEnchantmentContainer from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraft.inventory.container.EnchantmentContainer
[13:11:46 INFO]: Renaming synthetic method lambda$onEnchantedItem$0(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;Lnet/minecraft/inventory/container/EnchantmentContainer;ILnet/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity;ILnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;)V to md7c575e$lambda$onEnchantedItem$0$0 in assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json:MixinEnchantmentContainer
[13:11:48 INFO]: Mixing AccessorAbstractArrowEntity from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraft.entity.projectile.AbstractArrowEntity
[13:11:50 INFO]: Mixing MixinVillagerEntity from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraft.entity.merchant.villager.VillagerEntity
[13:11:53 INFO]: Mixing MixinPiglinMobsSensor from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraft.entity.ai.brain.sensor.PiglinMobsSensor
[13:11:55 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `citadel` for name `debug`, expected `minecraft`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:11:55 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `citadel` for name `citadel_book`, expected `minecraft`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:11:55 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `citadel` for name `effect_item`, expected `minecraft`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:11:55 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `citadel` for name `fancy_item`, expected `minecraft`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:11:55 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `playerrevive` for name `death`, expected `minecraft`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:11:55 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `playerrevive` for name `revived`, expected `minecraft`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Sound Events Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Blocks Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Items Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Effects Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Potions Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Entity Types Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Painting Types Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Tile Entity Types Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Biomes Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Loot Modifiers Registered!
[13:11:57 INFO]: Infernal Expansion: Entity Classifications Registered!
[13:11:58 INFO]: Mixing MixinLootTable from assets/enigmaticlegacy/enigmaticlegacy.mixins.json into net.minecraft.loot.LootTable
[13:11:59 INFO]: Initializing Update Checker...
[13:11:59 INFO]: Starting Update Check...
[13:12:00 INFO]: Constructing mod instance...
[13:12:00 INFO]: Mod instance constructed successfully.
[13:12:01 INFO]: Loading compatibility module with YUNG's Better Caves
[13:12:02 FATAL]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/Minecraft for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER
[13:12:02 INFO]: [dev.tr7zw.skinlayers.EntityCullingMod:<init>:18]: 3dSkinLayers Mod installed on a Server. Going to sleep.
[13:12:02 INFO]: Forge mod loading, version 36.2.26, for MC 1.16.5 with MCP 20210115.111550
[13:12:02 INFO]: MinecraftForge v36.2.26 Initialized
[13:12:02 INFO]: EventDispatcherRegistry initialized
[13:12:05 INFO]: [yalter.mousetweaks.Logger:Log:6]: [Mouse Tweaks] Disabled because not running on the client.
[13:12:07 INFO]: Detected new forge version, registering events reflectively.
[13:12:22 ERROR]: Write access detected to @Final field field_230026_g:Lnet/minecraft/util/math/shapes/VoxelShape; in passablefoliage.mixins.json:MixinBlockStateCache::handler$zek000$pfoliage_modifyCollisionShape
[13:12:22 ERROR]: Write access detected to @Final field field_222503_g:Z in passablefoliage.mixins.json:MixinBlockStateCache::handler$zek000$pfoliage_modifyCollisionShape
[13:12:22 ERROR]: Write access detected to @Final field field_225494_j:Z in passablefoliage.mixins.json:MixinBlockStateCache::handler$zek000$pfoliage_modifyCollisionShape
[13:12:23 INFO]: Initializing blocks registration...
[13:12:23 INFO]: Blocks registered successfully.
[13:12:29 INFO]: BYG: Blocks registered!
[13:12:31 INFO]: Loaded book jsons on Thread[main,5,main] in 236 ms
[13:12:31 INFO]: Initializing items registration...
[13:12:31 INFO]: Items registered successfully.
[13:12:31 INFO]: XercaMusic: Registering items
[13:12:32 INFO]: BYG: Items registered!
[13:12:32 INFO]: Registered 11 GlobalLootModifierSerializer entries in 1.4ms.
[13:12:34 INFO]: XercaMusic: Registering tile entities
[13:12:34 INFO]: BYG: Block Entities registered!
[13:12:35 INFO]: Initializing entities registration...
[13:12:35 INFO]: Entities registered successfully.
[13:12:35 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for null, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:35 INFO]: BYG: Entities registered!
[13:12:35 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `milk`, expected `forge`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:12:35 INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `flowing_milk`, expected `forge`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[13:12:35 INFO]: BYG: Block Entities registered!
[13:12:36 INFO]: Initializing advanced potion system...
[13:12:36 INFO]: Advanced potion system initialized successfully.
[13:12:36 INFO]: Registered 22 ingredient serializers.
[13:12:36 INFO]: Registered 5 IRecipeSerializer entries in 0.17ms.
[13:12:36 INFO]: Initializing recipe serializers registration...
[13:12:36 INFO]: Recipe serializers registered successfully.
[13:12:36 INFO]: [com.paleimitations.schoolsofmagic.common.registries.Registry:registerSounds:126]: Registered SoundEvents
[13:12:36 INFO]: Initializing sounds registration...
[13:12:36 INFO]: Sounds registered successfully.
[13:12:36 INFO]: BYG: Sounds registered!
[13:12:37 WARN]: Registry minecraft:worldgen/biome: The object minecraft:the_end has been registered twice for the same name minecraft:the_end.
[13:12:37 WARN]: Registry minecraft:worldgen/biome: The object minecraft:end_barrens has been registered twice for the same name minecraft:end_barrens.
[13:12:37 WARN]: Registry minecraft:worldgen/biome: The object minecraft:small_end_islands has been registered twice for the same name minecraft:small_end_islands.
[13:12:37 WARN]: Registry minecraft:worldgen/biome: The object minecraft:end_midlands has been registered twice for the same name minecraft:end_midlands.
[13:12:37 WARN]: Registry minecraft:worldgen/biome: The object minecraft:end_highlands has been registered twice for the same name minecraft:end_highlands.
[13:12:40 INFO]: BYG: Biomes registered!
[13:12:40 INFO]: BYG: Registering block placer types!
[13:12:40 INFO]: BYG: Decorators registered!
[13:12:40 INFO]: BYG: Features registered!
[13:12:40 INFO]: BYG: Structures registered!
[13:12:40 INFO]: BYG: Surface builders Registered!
[13:12:41 INFO]: Checking for biome dictionary registry methods in other mods.
[13:12:41 WARN]: defineId called for: class org.infernalstudios.infernalexp.entities.ShroomloinEntity from class org.infernalstudios.infernalexp.entities.WarpbeetleEntity
[13:12:41 WARN]: defineId called for: class untamedwilds.entity.ComplexMobTerrestrial from class untamedwilds.entity.ComplexMob
[13:12:41 WARN]: defineId called for: class untamedwilds.entity.ComplexMobTerrestrial from class untamedwilds.entity.ComplexMob
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Chain Linkage
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Chains Connect Blocks
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Chute
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Color Slime
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Dispensers Place Blocks
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Ender Watcher
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Endermites Form Shulkers
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Feeding Trough
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Gravisand
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Iron Rod
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Jukebox Automation
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Metal Buttons
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Obsidian Plate
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Pistons Move Tile Entities
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Redstone Circuit
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Weather Sensor
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Bamboo Mat
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Burn Vines
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Celebratory Lamps
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Cobblestone Bricks
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Compressed Blocks
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Duskbound Blocks
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Framed Glass
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Gold Bars
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Grate
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Hedges
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Iron Plates
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Item Frames
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Leaf Carpet
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Lit Lamp
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Midori
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module More Brick Types
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module More Potted Plants
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module More Stone Variants
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Nether Brick Fence Gate
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Paper Decor
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Quilted Wool
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Rope
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Shallow Dirt
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Shingles
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Soul Sandstone
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Stained Planks
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Stools
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Sturdy Stone
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Tallow And Candles
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Thatch
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Tie Leads To Fences
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Turf
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Variant Bookshelves
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Variant Chests
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Variant Ladders
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Vertical Planks
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Vertical Slabs
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Wooden Posts
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Chests In Boats
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Easy Transfering
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Hotbar Changer
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Inventory Sorting
[13:12:41 INFO]: Loading Module Item Sharing
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Right Click Armor
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Shulker Box Right Click
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Endermosh Music Disc
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Abacus
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Ambient Discs
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Ancient Tomes
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Bottled Cloud
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Camera
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Color Runes
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Pathfinder Maps
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Pickarang
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Seed Pouch
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Slime In A Bucket
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Trowel
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Skull Pikes
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Armed Armor Stands
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Automatic Recipe Unlock
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Axe Leaf Harvesting
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Better Elytra Rocket
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Campfires Boost Elytra
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Compasses Work Everywhere
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Dirt To Path
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Double Door Opening
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Dragon Scales
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Emotes
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Enhanced Ladders
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Glass Shard
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Hoe Harvesting
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Improved Sleeping
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Infinity Bucket
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Lava Bucket As Trash
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Lock Rotation
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module More Banner Layers
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Note Block Mob Sounds
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Pat The Dogs
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Poison Potato Usage
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Reacharound Placing
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Replace Scaffolding
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Sign Editing
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Simple Harvest
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Snow Golem Player Heads
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Springy Slime
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Utility Recipes
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Villagers Follow Emeralds
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Big Dungeon
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Big Stone Clusters
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Biotite
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Blossom Trees
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Cave Roots
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Chorus Vegetation
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Crevices
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Deepslate
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Fairy Rings
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Mega Caves
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Monster Box
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Nether Obsidian Spikes
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module New Stone Types
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Realistic World Gen
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Speleothems
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Spiral Spires
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Underground Clay
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Brimstone Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Cave Crystal Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Elder Prismarine Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Glowshroom Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Lush Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Overgrown Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Permafrost Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Sandstone Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Slime Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Spider Nest Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Crabs
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Forgotten
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Foxhound
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Frogs
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Stonelings
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Toretoise
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Wraith
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Auto Walk Keybind
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Back Button Keybind
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Chest Searching
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Greener Grass
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Improved Mount Hud
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Improved Tooltips
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Usage Ticker
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Variant Animal Textures
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Backpack
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Crate
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Magnets
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Matrix Enchanting
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Pipes
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Totem Of Holding
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Adjustable Chat
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Custom Underground Biome
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Game Nerfs
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Microcrafting Helper
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Narrator Readout
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Overlay Shader
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Pallet
[13:12:42 INFO]: Loading Module Shiba
[13:12:42 INFO]: Registering 3 command argument types.
[13:12:42 INFO]: Registering 13 loot conditions.
[13:12:42 INFO]: Attempting to load the Modding Legacy supporters list from https://moddinglegacy.com/supporters-changelogs/supporters.txt
[13:12:42 INFO]: [com.paleimitations.schoolsofmagic.common.quests.quests.QuestBrewPotion:initialize:33]: Init Brew Potion Quest
[13:12:42 INFO]: [com.paleimitations.schoolsofmagic.common.quests.quests.QuestBuildGolem:initialize:42]: Init Build Golem Quest
[13:12:42 INFO]: [com.paleimitations.schoolsofmagic.common.quests.quests.QuestEnchantItem:initialize:45]: Init Enchant Item Quest
[13:12:42 INFO]: Initializing common setup phase...
[13:12:42 INFO]: Registering packets...
[13:12:42 INFO]: Registering triggers...
[13:12:42 INFO]: Common setup phase finished successfully.
[13:12:42 INFO]: Registering Packets!
[13:12:42 INFO]: Successfully loaded the Modding legacy supporters list.
[13:12:43 INFO]: DIRT BLOCK >> minecraft:dirt
[13:12:43 INFO]: betterfpsdist mod initialized
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:foxhound, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:shiba, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:toretoise, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:forgotten, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 clay_ball = 1 clay
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 snowball = 1 snow_block
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 glowstone_dust = 1 glowstone
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 brick = 1 bricks
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 nether_brick = 1 nether_bricks
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 9 nether_wart = 1 nether_wart_block
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 quartz = 1 quartz_block
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 9 melon_slice = 1 melon
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 sand = 1 sandstone
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 red_sand = 1 red_sandstone
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:wrapped, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:frog, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:crab, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:leash_knot_fake, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:wraith, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 WARN]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for quark:stoneling, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead.
[13:12:43 INFO]: New compacting rule 4 clay_ball = 1 clay
[13:12:43 INFO]: BYG: "Common Setup" Event Complete!
[13:12:46 INFO]: CraftTweaker has loaded successfully!
[13:12:53 ERROR]: Failed to load patreon information
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketInputRecord.read(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketInputRecord.readHeader(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketInputRecord.decode(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLTransport.decode(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.decode(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readHandshakeRecord(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.afterConnect(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at vazkii.quark.base.handler.ContributorRewardHandler$ThreadContributorListLoader.run(ContributorRewardHandler.java:134) [quark:r2.4-322]

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