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Setting Size of Font


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Hey there. For my custom gui/screen, I'm wanting to print a String to the screen. I'm doing that like so:

AbstractGui.drawString(matrixStack, Minecraft.getInstance().font, "Test String", x, y, this.color);

It's working, but the text is incredibly small (this probably has to do with the game settings option for gui scale. Is there any way I can actually increase the font size or even just 'scale' the string? I've tried both the following right before making the AbstractGui#drawString call and neither worked:

matrixStack.scale(2.f, 2.f, 2.f);

GL13.glScalef(2.f, 2.f, 2.f);

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Sure thing. So in my custom screen class, here's all the logic related to printing to the screen:

//Ensure screen always takes up the same amount of 'screen space' regardless of gui scale setting
final float scale = 1.f / guiScale;
pMatrixStack.scale(scale, scale, scale);

//Create screen texture
AbstractGui.blit(pMatrixStack, pos.x(), pos.y(), 0, start.x(), start.y(), dimensions.x(), dimensions.y(), textureSize.y(), textureSize.x());

//Then call the string render
render(pMatrixStack, x, y);

Here's the string render method:

public void render(final MatrixStack matrixStack, final int x, final int y) {
        matrixStack.scale(2.f, 2.f, 2.f);
        AbstractGui.drawString(matrixStack, Minecraft.getInstance().font, "Test String", x, y, this.color);

All of this technically works, except for the string size being scaled at the end. My best guess is that perhaps I need to push or pop or flush or do something to the MatrixStack after the AbstractGui#blit call (of which I'll test right now --- unfortunately push and pop didn't solve the problem).

Edited by Jimmeh
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