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How do I setup a server with forge?


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How do I setup a server with forge? Tried to figure it out for a while and it seems that all guide are out of date (or I'm doing something wrong) Are there any up to date guides on how to setup a server anyone knows?

(I did look at the EAQ but cannot make heads or tails of the instructions, probably don't know enough about what I'm doing to understand any of this)

Edited by Gaelo
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  1. download the Forge installer form the download page: https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/
  2. Run the installer and choose install server
  3. Choose a directory where the server should be generated
  4. Run the server via the .bat/.sh file (only 1.17 or later)
  5. Accept at the first run the eula
  6. Put the Mods you want to play with into the mods folder
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Yeah I was trying to do that and more pretty much all night but nothing was working. But I seemed to have fixed it by installing a new version of java, even though I was pretty sure I had the correct version, to play regular minecraft at least. Or maybe the 10000th times the charm. Anyway lol seems to be working, thanks for your help.

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When I tried to run (run.bat) it didn't work and gave me errors. Something about not being able to read a file, and the eula file didn't generate.


But when I reinstalled java, or maybe got a different version, and installed the server file and ran the bat file again it seemed to work, and the eula file was generated and was able to get into the server. Kinda weird but just happy it worked.

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