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[1.18.2] Saving player inventory using capabilities help


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I'm working on a pretty advanced mod that has to muck about with dimensions and changing the entire player inventory between these dimensions.

I currently have this Capability


and it's registered here


and like most of the mod functions i'm doing I'm defining the server message here


and adding the capability packet handler here


this issue i've been having is that for some reason whenever the inventory save is triggered (currently it's triggered whenever the player changes a dimension and the dimension they're changing to isn't a vanilla dimension)

the log keeps saying this



I've dealt with handling simple values in the Byte buffer (such as normal NBT as defined by the player Class capability) but i'm confused on how reading a collection works. any help would be appreciated 
(also sorry if the formatting it's the prettiest i'm a bit rusty on my java because i've mainly been working on other projects that are in C# or javascript)

Edited by xana43
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10 hours ago, xana43 said:

I'm working on a pretty advanced mod that has to muck about with dimensions and changing the entire player inventory between these dimensions.

why did you not use Forge's IItemHandler and ItemStackHandler?

create a Level Capability and create there a Map with the IItemHandler (Inventory) and the Player (you should use the GameProfile or the UUID)
then subscribe to PlayerChangedDimensionEvent and load the Inventory from the Level Capability

the save and sync of IItemHandler is done automatically, if you create the Capability Correct

Edited by Luis_ST
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12 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

the save and sync of IItemHandler is done automatically, if you create the Capability Correct

huh, that's good to know that it handles all that now, because back when I first started modding (1.12) IItem handler didn't use to sync with the server properly


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how would I go about doing that? I've been trying for the past hour and i'm really confused, is it that I need to extend the item handler in the capability class or add an item handler to the player and reference that?

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44 minutes ago, xana43 said:

how would I go about doing that? I've been trying for the past hour and i'm really confused, is it that I need to extend the item handler in the capability class or add an item handler to the player and reference that?

if you don't know how to extends an Interface and a class, you should learn basic java before modding minecraft

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37 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

if you don't know how to extends an Interface and a class

oh that's what you mean, well I tried to implement I Item handler, but it seemed to be not the thing I was looking for (a lot more data needed to be sent to it than was available) so I decided to try a more simpler route. I extended INBTSerializeable<ListTag> then made a hashmap that held a UUID and a ListTag, and used the methods that are part of the inventory class (I.E. player.getInventory().save())

and loaded the map with that, then serialized it using a forloop on it's keyset and returned each element etc etc.

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