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I created a block based on stonecutter and would like to add my own recipe type to it. How do I do that?


public class WoodcutterRecipe extends SingleItemRecipe {
    public WoodcutterRecipe(ResourceLocation pId, String pGroup, Ingredient pIngredient, ItemStack pResult) {
        super(ModRecipeType.WOODCUTTER_RECIPE, RecipeSerializer.STONECUTTER, pId, pGroup, pIngredient, pResult);

    public boolean matches(Container pContainer, Level pLevel) {
        return this.ingredient.test(pContainer.getItem(0));

    public ItemStack getToastSymbol() {
        return new ItemStack(ModBlocks.WOODCUTTER.get());


public class ModRecipeType {
    public static RecipeType<WoodcutterRecipe> WOODCUTTER_RECIPE = register("woodcutter");

    static <T extends Recipe<?>> RecipeType<T> register(final String pIdentifier) {
        return Registry.register(Registry.RECIPE_TYPE, new ResourceLocation(pIdentifier), new RecipeType<T>() {
            public String toString() {
                return pIdentifier;


public class WoodcutterMenu extends StonecutterMenu {
    private final ContainerLevelAccess access;

    public WoodcutterMenu(int id, Inventory inventory) {
        super(id, inventory);
        this.access = ContainerLevelAccess.NULL;

    public WoodcutterMenu(int id, Inventory inventory, ContainerLevelAccess containerLevelAccess) {
        super(id, inventory, containerLevelAccess);
        this.access = containerLevelAccess;

    public boolean stillValid(Player pPlayer) {
        return stillValid(this.access, pPlayer, ModBlocks.WOODCUTTER.get());

    public MenuType<?> getType() {
        return ModMenuType.WOOD_CUTTER_MENU.get();



Okay, I made a custom serializer but I don't know how to register RecipeType since it can't be done like in vanilla

public class WoodcutterRecipe implements Recipe<Container> {
    protected final Ingredient ingredient;
    protected final ItemStack result;
    protected final ResourceLocation id;
    protected final String group;

    public WoodcutterRecipe(Ingredient ingredient, ItemStack result, ResourceLocation id, String group) {
        this.ingredient = ingredient;
        this.result = result;
        this.id = id;
        this.group = group;

    public RecipeType<?> getType() {
        return ModRecipeType.WOODCUTTER_RECIPE;

    public RecipeSerializer<?> getSerializer() {
        return ModRecipeType.WOODCUTTER.get();

    public ResourceLocation getId() {
        return this.id;

    public String getGroup() {
        return this.group;

    public ItemStack getResultItem() {
        return this.result;

    public NonNullList<Ingredient> getIngredients() {
        NonNullList<Ingredient> nonnulllist = NonNullList.create();
        return nonnulllist;

    public boolean canCraftInDimensions(int pWidth, int pHeight) {
        return true;

    public boolean matches(Container pContainer, Level pLevel) {
        return false;

    public ItemStack assemble(Container pInv) {
        return this.result.copy();

    public static class Serializer implements RecipeSerializer<WoodcutterRecipe> {

        public WoodcutterRecipe fromJson(ResourceLocation pRecipeId, JsonObject pJson) {
            String s = GsonHelper.getAsString(pJson, "group", "");
            Ingredient ingredient;
            if (GsonHelper.isArrayNode(pJson, "ingredient")) {
                ingredient = Ingredient.fromJson(GsonHelper.getAsJsonArray(pJson, "ingredient"));
            } else {
                ingredient = Ingredient.fromJson(GsonHelper.getAsJsonObject(pJson, "ingredient"));

            String s1 = GsonHelper.getAsString(pJson, "result");
            int i = GsonHelper.getAsInt(pJson, "count");
            ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(Registry.ITEM.get(new ResourceLocation(s1)), i);
            return new WoodcutterRecipe(ingredient, itemstack, pRecipeId, s);

        public WoodcutterRecipe fromNetwork(ResourceLocation pRecipeId, FriendlyByteBuf pBuffer) {
            String s = pBuffer.readUtf();
            Ingredient ingredient = Ingredient.fromNetwork(pBuffer);
            ItemStack itemstack = pBuffer.readItem();
            return new WoodcutterRecipe(ingredient, itemstack, pRecipeId, s);

        public void toNetwork(FriendlyByteBuf pBuffer, WoodcutterRecipe pRecipe) {

        public RecipeSerializer<?> setRegistryName(ResourceLocation name) {
            return ModRecipeType.WOODCUTTER.get();

        public ResourceLocation getRegistryName() {
            return new ResourceLocation(AnyMod.MOD_ID, "woodcutter");

        public Class<RecipeSerializer<?>> getRegistryType() {
            return Serializer.castClass(RecipeSerializer.class);

        private static <G> Class<G> castClass(Class<?> cls) {
            return (Class<G>)cls;


public class ModRecipeType {
    public static final DeferredRegister<RecipeSerializer<?>> SERIALIZER =
            DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.RECIPE_SERIALIZERS, AnyMod.MOD_ID);

    public static RegistryObject<RecipeSerializer<WoodcutterRecipe>> WOODCUTTER = SERIALIZER.register("woodcutter",

    public static RecipeType<WoodcutterRecipe> WOODCUTTER_RECIPE = register("woodcutter");

    static <T extends Recipe<?>> RecipeType<T> register(final String pIdentifier) {
        return Registry.register(Registry.RECIPE_TYPE, new ResourceLocation(pIdentifier), new RecipeType<T>() {
            public String toString() {
                return pIdentifier;


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