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I'm trying to store the players inventory so that they will keep it after dying if they are holding a specific item, I made a capability extending IItemHandler and ItemStackHandler to hold it which I attached to the players and I've been testing it's functions and it seems to store everything correctly, but no matter what I try, after respawing it's back to being empty and no items were copied

Here's my most resent try:

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = ExtraTotems.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE)
public class CommonEvents {

    public static void onEntityDeath(LivingDeathEvent event){
        LivingEntity entity = event.getEntityLiving();
        if(entity instanceof Player player && !event.getSource().isBypassInvul() && checkTotemInventoryProtection(event)){ //last function checks if the totem was in one of the players hands
            player.getCapability(Capabilities.EXTRA_ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY).resolve().ifPresent(deathInventory ->
                    deathInventory.copyInventory(player.getInventory())); //copies the inventory before death to the capability
        //... some extra unrelated stuff


    public static void onPlayerClone(PlayerEvent.Clone event){
        if(event.isWasDeath()) {
            Player originalPlayer = event.getOriginal();
          	Player newPlayer = event.getPlayer();
            int MAIN_HAND = originalPlayer.getInventory().selected;
            int OFF_HAND = 40;

            originalPlayer.getCapability(Capabilities.EXTRA_ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY).resolve().ifPresent(deathInventory ->
                    newPlayer.getCapability(Capabilities.EXTRA_ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY).resolve().ifPresent(newInventory -> {
                        int totemSlot = (deathInventory.getStackInSlot(MAIN_HAND).is(ModItems.TOTEM_OF_KEEPING) ? MAIN_HAND : OFF_HAND); //saves the slot number where the item was held
                        Inventory inv = new Inventory(newPlayer);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 41; ++i) {
                            if (i == totemSlot) continue; //avoids copying the item to have it destroyed
                            inv.setItem(i, deathInventory.getStackInSlot(i));
                        newInventory.copyInventory(inv); //before I was doing a method where I was trying to directly copy what's in deathInventory to newInventory (not creating an actual inventory in the middle) but it wasn't working
    public static void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerEvent.PlayerRespawnEvent event){
            Player player = event.getPlayer();
            player.getCapability(Capabilities.EXTRA_ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY).resolve().ifPresent(deathInventory -> {
                for (int i = 0; i < 41; i++){
                    player.getInventory().setItem(i, deathInventory.getStackInSlot(i));
        } //also tried just doing this directly on onPlayerClone instead of copying the capability (the idea being the new copy wouldn't get a copy of the capability, just get the inventory), neither seem to work


Am I missing something obvious?

Posted (edited)

I use .ifPresent always just because IntelliJ bugs you if you just use .get without .isPresent (and ifPresent is just like both of them in one)

Copying the stacks directly during PlayerEvent.Clone is what I thought would work in the beginning as well, but it seems the original copy just has an empty inventory, even if the LivingDropsEvent was canceled, that's why I started looking into capabilities

I thought about looking at the KEEPINVENTORY rule, but I absolutely don't understand where it is, it's regitered in the GameRules class but it's just a boolean, I'm sure there is a check for it somewhere, but IntelliJ finds no usages of the variable and I couldn't find it manually

Edited by Whistler

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