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Crash on startup when a mod is missing a library instead of an error screen


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So I built a modpack using GDLauncher and I didn't realize but GDLauncher is currently broken and it was not downloading mod libraries, only mods. So every time I downloaded a mod I had to manually check if I am missing a library. But when I missed one minecraft would just crash with this error and not show the error screen that the mod is missing something.

Crash log: https://gnomebot.dev/paste/967084929479499806

Latest log: https://gnomebot.dev/paste/967090029308547102

I think the same thing is happening when I have the wrong version for a mod, it tries to show me an error screen saying this mod requires this forge version but instead it crashes.

Working mod list (this time built in curseforge launcher): https://pastebin.com/0LxhzYuC

If I add something like colossal Chests mod to that mod list WITHOUT its library mod it will crash with the above crash report which tells me nothing.

Also if I add Faster ladder climbing to that same working modpack (it doesn't need any library mods as far as I can see), it ALSO crashes with the SAME CRASH REPORT.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in Forge?

If it's not bug in forge how do I find what's broken since the crash report is always the same?

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16 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

It is crashing because faster ladder climbing requires Minecraft 1.18.1 and you have 1.18.2.

I am asking why is it crashing when trying to render the screen that says That ladders requireds 1.18.1. It should not crash but show the screen that says i have the wrong version, Why doesn't it say that I have the wrong version?


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10 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Because you have coremods installed (HammerLib to be exact) that hack into and modify Forge's code.

So how do I list all the coremods present so I can remove them? I tried removing hammerlib but it didn't help.


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So I just removed BOTH better loading screen AND hammerlib and now it shows the incompatibility screen as it should. I guess we fixed it and found the problems. Brb gonna yell at the hammerlib and better loading screen devs.

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