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I seem to be overlooking something as I am getting an error I'm not sure how to fix, as I thought I did it correctly.

public class EntityInit {
    private static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITIES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES, PrimitiveStart.MODID);

    public static void initialize() {

    public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<BoneArrow>> BONE_ARROW = ENTITIES.register("bone_arrow",
            () -> EntityType.Builder
                    .of(BoneArrow::new, MobCategory.MISC)
                    .sized(0.5F, 0.5F)
                    .build(new ResourceLocation(PrimitiveStart.MODID, "bone_arrow").toString())

Above code seems to have the following problem:


This is the BoneArrow class in question:

public class BoneArrow extends AbstractArrow {

    public BoneArrow(EntityType<? extends AbstractArrow> p_36721_, Level p_36722_) {
        super(p_36721_, p_36722_);

    public BoneArrow(LivingEntity p_36718_, Level p_36719_) {
        super(EntityInit.BONE_ARROW.get(), p_36718_, p_36719_);

    protected ItemStack getPickupItem() {
        return new ItemStack(ItemInit.BONE_ARROW.get());

Any help is appreciated.


That sadly doesn't work, as it wants this constructor (bottom constructor):


It should use the top contructor, which it does when I remove the second one:


However, I need the second constructor, because it is used in the createArrow method:


Any ideas as to why it is doing this?

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