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[1.18.2] How do I track things like XP and broken blocks client side on Multiplayer

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I am new to Forge modding (not java), and I am trying to build a statistics mod to keep track of things like how many blocks of X type has a player mined, how many times the player have received damage and how much damage has been received, xp obtained...

But I am constantly finding the problem of things working on a single player mode but not on multiplayer. Events like PlayerXpEvent.PickupXp are firing only when the server is hosted by the client.

I understand this is because this events are handled server side, and I have found workarounds like using the players inventory to keep track of the blocks, but this is very limiting.

I was wondering if there was a way to listen to those events also in the client side. I have searched and searched this forum and Google but I only find outdated or dead posts.

My code (Really simple):

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Minestats.MODID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE, value = Dist.CLIENT)
public class Events {
    public static void onItemPickup(final PlayerXpEvent.PickupXp event) {
        Minestats.saveNewXpValue(event.getOrb().getValue(), new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // This just saves it in a JSON file


16 hours ago, Ayregon said:
value = Dist.CLIENT

this subscribes the full class and all Events in it to the client, this explains your problem

Dist#CLIENT include the singleplayer server (IntegratedServer), but not the DedicatedServer
remove the value from the annotation and it should work

any reason why you not use the vanilla Stats system

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