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Posted (edited)

So I'm trying to upgrade my experimenting a bit, and I was wondering if it was possible to control the player's movements with a keypress. Say, I press K, and the player does an attack swing once. Or, I press K and I walk in a circle. In the future I would get the player to do such movements when standing on a certain block or something like that.

But for now, I'm just wondering what resource I need reference in my code in order to yield a single player attack click once I've pressed a dedicated key.

I've tried searching through my IDE's suggestions, with things like 'player' and 'attack', and I've also taken to google and found this line of code which seemed like it might be helpful 'KeyBinding.onTick(Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.keyBindAttack.getKeyCode());' but that seems to be for an earlier version of forge. I don't know what the newer replacement for KeyBinding is - perhaps KeyMapping? - and I can't find gameSettings in my IDE's suggestions either. How might I be able to find these things out in future?

Edited by sammysmalls
  • sammysmalls changed the title to Controlling Player Movements on the Client Side 1.18.2

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