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How to do something while an specific item is being use


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I want to perform an action each tick the player is holding right click with a custom item in their hand. I tried to use the even "onUsingTick" like this:


public void onUsingTick(ItemStack BasicWandItem, LivingEntity player, int count) {


     super.onUsingTick(BasicWandItem, player, count);



but it doesn´t work, any suggestions?


Edited by PAstBand
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Item#onUsingTick is only called if the Item is in use, therefore you need to call LivingEntity#startUsingItem in Item#use.
and the return value of Item#getUseDuration is larger than 0.

In addition teleport the Player is a server side operation and you should use Entity#teleportToWithTicket.

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29 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

Item#onUsingTick is only called if the Item is in use, therefore you need to call LivingEntity#startUsingItem in Item#use.
and the return value of Item#getUseDuration is larger than 0.

In addition teleport the Player is a server side operation and you should use Entity#teleportToWithTicket.

Im sorry to waste your time, but im able to make it works how i want. What i want is, while the player holds right click do something (for example writin 1 in the chat), and when he relese the button do something else once (for example writing 2 in the chat). I tried with this code:



public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use(Level pLevel, Player pPlayer, InteractionHand pUsedHand) {


     return super.use(pLevel, pPlayer, pUsedHand);



public void onUsingTick(ItemStack BasicWandItem, LivingEntity player, int count) {

     player.sendMessage(new TranslatableComponent("1"),player.getUUID());

     super.onUsingTick(BasicWandItem, player, count);



public void releaseUsing(ItemStack pStack, Level pLevel, LivingEntity pLivingEntity, int pTimeCharged) {


     pLivingEntity.sendMessage(new TranslatableComponent("2"),pLivingEntity.getUUID());

     super.releaseUsing(pStack, pLevel, pLivingEntity, pTimeCharged);


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The idea is, each tick the item is being use it should do something (Im printing number to test before i can do something better), When the player is no longer using the item it should do other thing just once. Basically

*Right click holded with item in hand*

*Each tick the chat should print 1*

*The player stop holding right click*

*the chat should print 2 just once*

if the player hold click for 5 ticks the chat should like this:








This is the item class

public class BasicWandItem extends Item {

     public BasicWandItem(Properties pProperties) { super(pProperties); }



public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use(Level pLevel, Player pPlayer, InteractionHand pUsedHand) {


     return super.use(pLevel, pPlayer, pUsedHand);



public void onUsingTick(ItemStack BasicWandItem, LivingEntity player, int count) {

     player.sendMessage(new TranslatableComponent("1"),player.getUUID());

     super.onUsingTick(BasicWandItem, player, count);



public void releaseUsing(ItemStack pStack, Level pLevel, LivingEntity pLivingEntity, int pTimeCharged) {


     pLivingEntity.sendMessage(new TranslatableComponent("2"),pLivingEntity.getUUID());

     super.releaseUsing(pStack, pLevel, pLivingEntity, pTimeCharged);





thx ❤️

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13 hours ago, Luis_ST said:

and the return value of Item#getUseDuration is larger than 0

The default value is 0, you need to override the method and return a value which is larger than 0.
Note this is the max time (in ticks) a Entity can use this Item.

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