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Pls help create gui [1.19.2]


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Hello everyone, I was creating plugins and decided to move on to creating mods and I ran into such a problem that I can’t create a gui, there used to be a guiscreen class for this, but in the new versions it was removed and I can’t create it. I ask you please help me, because I can’t do it at all, I really hope for help. Thanks to all who responded.




Edited by Natsumi
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2 hours ago, Natsumi said:

I don’t know why, but if earlier I knew how to create guis, now I’m very stupid.

There are a lot of changes in the vanilla and Forge code, if you have code from a older version you can throw it away.

What did you already create and where did you need help?

And for me, if you're talking about Gui's do you mean a Contains with Slots for Items or only a Screen (client side only) with Buttons etc.?

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public class GuiSkill extends GuiScreen {

final ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation(Unital.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/skillM.png");

int guiWidth = 175;

int guiHeight = 228;

GuiButton button1;

GuiButtonSkills arrow;

GuiTextField textBox;

final int BUTTON1 = 0, ARROW = 1;

String title = "Skills upgrade";


public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {



int centerX = (width / 2) - guiWidth / 2;

int centerY = (height / 2) - guiHeight / 2;

//drawTexturedModalRect(centerX, centerY, 0, 0, guiWidth, guiHeight);

//drawString(fontRendererObj, "Tutorial", centerX, centerY, 0x6028ff);





GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);


drawTexturedModalRect(centerX, centerY, 0, 0, guiWidth, guiHeight);





GlStateManager.translate((width / 2) - fontRenderer.getStringWidth(title), centerY + 10, 0);

GlStateManager.scale(2, 2, 2);

fontRenderer.drawString(title, 0, 0, 0x6028ff);



//super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);

button1.drawButton(mc, mouseX, mouseY);

arrow.drawButton(mc, mouseX, mouseY);

ItemStack icon = new ItemStack(Blocks.OBSIDIAN);



GlStateManager.translate(centerX, centerY, 0);

GlStateManager.scale(2, 2, 2);

mc.getRenderItem().renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(icon, 0, 0);




List<String> text = new ArrayList<String>();


text.add(I18n.format("gui.tooltip2", mc.world.provider.getDimension()));


drawTooltip(text, mouseX, mouseY, centerX, centerY, 16 * 2, 16 * 2);


public void drawTooltip(List<String> lines, int mouseX, int mouseY, int posX, int posY, int width, int height) {

if (mouseX >= posX && mouseX <= posX + width && mouseY >= posY && mouseY <= posY + height) {

drawHoveringText(lines, mouseX, mouseY);




public void initGui() {


buttonList.add(button1 = new GuiButton(BUTTON1, (width / 2) - 100 / 2, height - 40, 100, 20, "Close"));

buttonList.add(arrow = new GuiButtonTutorial(ARROW, 100, 100));

textBox = new GuiTextField(0, fontRenderer, 0, 0, 100, 20);




public void updateButtons() {

if (title.equals("Close")) {

button1.enabled = true;

} else {

button1.enabled = false;



public void updateTextBoxes() {

if (!textBox.getText().isEmpty()) {

if (!textBox.isFocused()) {

title = textBox.getText();






protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) throws IOException {

switch (button.id) {

case BUTTON1:



case ARROW:

mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiInventory(mc.player));







protected void keyTyped(char typedChar, int keyCode) throws IOException {

textBox.textboxKeyTyped(typedChar, keyCode);


super.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode);



protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton) throws IOException {

textBox.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButton);


super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButton);



public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() {

return false;



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