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Need direction regarding program structure.


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Hi so I'm just learning forge now and am kind of confused about the whole client vs server side topic that I read about on forge: ForgeDocs. I don't understand how I'm supposed to structure my project and classes so that their methods doesn't cause this server-client conflict. Is there a list of certain methods that are client side only? I'm pretty new to forge so any advice or help would be appreciated!

Edited by bigMojitos
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Basically, any class that contains a `client` package will almost always be client-side only. Everything else is either executed in common code (which means both sides), or on server only (which most people never interact with). The separation is just to make sure you understand that those in the vanilla client package do not exist on a physical server, so if you ever want to directly call code for that, you need to make sure using one of the methods described in the doc that the code only gets called then. This includes playing sounds directly (not through SoundEvent), rendering objects, player interactions with keyboard and mouse, and the Minecraft instance.

If you have trouble with a specific area, just ask another question in the modder support forum or on the discord. It's better to work through problems when you encounter them and you can't work out a solution on your own. Otherwise, you'll never actually program anything.

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37 minutes ago, bigMojitos said:

Is there a list of certain methods that are client side only?

You can check for yourself whether a method is only available on the client side, use your IDE to open the class. If the class or the method is annotated with @OnlyIn (with Dist#CLIENT) the full class or the method is client only.
As far as i know there are no server side only classes/methods.

In general:

  • Client side stuff is: Keyboard & Mouse input, Rendering of Screens and Entities
  • Server side stuff is: Block placing & Entity spawning
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