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[SOLVED] GuiContainer inventory bug in multiplayer [Dedicated server]

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I have a couple containers that have the same bug. I have to point out that they work on a multiplayer session hosted from the client but not on a dedicated server. When opening the containers the player inventory seems to be offsetted by a couple indexes in a weird way. Eg picking up the stack from the first slot actually picks up the helmet and so on so that picking up the 5th slot picks the first.


The codes are pretty much based on the furnace and have been reading a lot of that furnace code and everything seems to be set up in the same way. My guess is that the client GuiContainer inventory slots become set up somehow incorrectly or that the server side is not updating the client propery. So i guess that when hosting the multiplayer from client everything gets synched up automatically, but not from a dedicated server.


Do i need to add some network code to synch up custom containers? Or is there something in the container base classes that do this automatically if set up right?


I can post the code too but i have basically this happening on a container that is almost 100% replica of the furnace.




So in this case you think extending the respective Furnace classes and overriding where appropriate might fix this?




I also find copy-pasting code quite against the whole point of using Java and any OOP language for that matter.

If you want to copy paste code all day, you might as well be doing procedural programming lolz ;)


Also for new modders, you learn way better by writing what needs to be added and UNDERSTANDING the code. Than to copy-paste random meaningless (Obfuscated) code ;)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


Ill leave your remarks about programming in general on their own since you probably made some incorrect conclusions of my programming abilities, but thank you for the actual answers on the matter. ;)


Not only is it good practice, but more efficient and doesn't breach Minecraft license.


Check your transferStackInSlot method in Container, i see some magic numbers that could be wrong.

Also make sure you use mergeItemStack(ItemStack, int, int , boolean) correctly.

Be aware that you added your slots first, then the player internal inventory, then the player inventory bar. The order is important.


Tried extending the Furnace but that didn't solve anything, so i stick to extending the Container, etc.. And also as this is more of a subset of the furnace (burns fuel and produces nothing) doesn't make sense extending because of that either.


Also checked the methods you mentioned and the order of adding the slots.

I did notice that changing the order of adding slots affected in how it got screwed up (screwed up in different ways).

To me it just doesn't make sense.


But i guess ill just have to rewrite it until it starts working in dedicated servers.


Well, i tried that seriously. Works in multiplayer but not on dedicated server.

I will do it once more today just for the exercise and hope that maybe i just missed something.


Ill just recap here because seems you guys misunderstood some points: Im not doing a furnace so i wont use GuiFurnace or ContainerFurnace.


I have done everything right from the start as suggested, everything works fine in multiplayer except with a dedicated server.


Im using the latest forge recommended build.


If you can point to me a mod that is supposed to work and covers this issue, then i will test that on the server and rule out a server/forge problem.




As i suspected it had nothing to do with my actual containers or Guis, they all worked fine. It had to do with client/server separation and when i worked a couple of days ago to get the mod working on dedicated server i separated something in the wrong way and accidentially registered the GUIHandler only on the client side.


Thanks anyway everyone for your answers even though they didn't really relate to my problem they definitely made me take another round of thoughts into those matters.

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