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I am new to modding in Minecraft, and I was looking for some help with a mod I am trying to make. I want it to modify the behavior of a vanilla block, but all the tutorials I have seen are about creating custom blocks. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. It would be nice if there was a tutorial that focuses on this.


I was hoping just to change a texture to a custom one I made and add/remove some particle effects.


Specifically, I want to change the torch to use a texture that is not lit (I made it already) and have no particles coming from it.


Not exactly, my plan is to make it so that when you craft a vanilla torch, it is not lit, and I will a block to the mod which is lit and will slowly loose light value. I know how to remove the current light level, now I just need the aesthetic part.


You could add your own torch and overwrite the vanilla recipe. All of this can be done without editing base classes (Don't quote me on that).


Aye that's one easy way to do it :)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


Not exactly, my plan is to make it so that when you craft a vanilla torch, it is not lit, and I will a block to the mod which is lit and will slowly loose light value. I know how to remove the current light level, now I just need the aesthetic part.

There are "icon" methods in Block, look for that.


Recipes are in the CraftingManager class.


I just found out I can use Block.(blockname).setTextureName("name") to set the texture of a block, but I don't know how to make my file see my texture as the "name" section only seems to work with the preexisting textures.


It's not that hard to overwrite a vanilla block, here is how it is done...


I needed to overwrite the regular water blocks to get my own custom texture in there for various reasons so you set in your mod file the block that needs to be overwritten and remove it from the blocklist. The waterstill block is #9 so I did this


Block.blocksList[9] = null;


Then I made a new class that extended the block class of the vanilla block, and overwrote the texture classes in that file and re-added the water block like this


Block waterStill = (new BlockStationaryFiesta(9, Material.water)).setHardness(100.0F).setLightOpacity(3).setUnlocalizedName("water").func_111022_d("water_still");


Yeah that's one way to do it, and hope you don't get too many compatability problems ;)


But since his item is from crafting only, he can get away with the just changing the recipe result.

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


set the texture name to

modid + ":" + "textureName"


This worked for the texture problem, now I just need to remove the particles that come off of it. I took a look at BlockTorch.java and at the bottom (lines 281-320), it describes how they are generated. Is there a way for this section to be disabled/skipped?


set the texture name to

modid + ":" + "textureName"


This worked for the texture problem, now I just need to remove the particles that come off of it. I took a look at BlockTorch.java and at the bottom (lines 281-320), it describes how they are generated. Is there a way for this section to be disabled/skipped?


it's simpler to change the recipe or to replace the block


edit: the alternative is ASM.

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


Do what you have been advised MUCH earlier. Make your new block etc., and just overwrite the recipe for a normal torch. That is in my opinion the easiest way to do it.

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD

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