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[SOLVED BUT PARSING PROBLEM] [1.19.2] force client to toggle custom "post" shader when something happens on server

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Posted (edited)

disclaimer: i am new to java. however i will not ask for implementation nuances (at least not much. any help is appreciated).

suppose we have a custom block. when we rightclick on it we send a custom package (i assume that because we want specific things to happen on a server). server handles the package (applies effects or whatever) and sends back the answer. client part handles the answer. how do i toggle/load a custom shader when handling the answer from the server? can't seem to find suitable method. do i need to write a mixin? and if so what should i "mixin into"?

i believe it's possible because there is an in-game nausea effect and "wobble" shader (which btw has uniform float Time in it in .fsh file so it's animated)

thanks for help in advance 

Edited by cocicocyn
PostChain#parseUniformNode is sus + problem is finally solved
  • cocicocyn changed the title to [1.19.2] force client to toggle custom "post" shader when something happens on server
10 hours ago, cocicocyn said:

how do i toggle/load a custom shader when handling the answer from the server?

So, if you want to use the postchain method, you can load a given effect via GameRenderer#loadEffect, the rest would be creating the json, vsh, and fsh as necessary.

10 hours ago, cocicocyn said:

i believe it's possible because there is an in-game nausea effect and "wobble" shader (which btw has uniform float Time in it in .fsh file so it's animated)

Nausea is rendered is highly hardcoded by manipulating the base posestack before everything else is rendered and the overlay is just a simple blit. As for the wobble shader, it's not really used anywhere afaik since it was probably part of the secret settings.

4 hours ago, cocicocyn said:

note for myself: research PostPass and PostChain classes in net.minecraft.client.renderer package (i guess the wiki provider is some third party warn me if this isn't supported) https://nekoyue.github.io/ForgeJavaDocs-NG/javadoc/1.19.3/net/minecraft/client/renderer/package-summary.html

It's illegal for this to be hosted.

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

am i the problem here? im not even reading anything from an array. 

net.minecraft.server.ChainedJsonException: Invalid shaders/post/tripeffect.json (Mod Resources) passes[0]->uniforms[0]->values[4]: Index 4 out of bounds for length 4
	at net.minecraft.server.ChainedJsonException.forException(ChainedJsonException.java:47) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading}
	at net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostChain.parseUniformNode(PostChain.java:245) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostChain.parsePassNode(PostChain.java:217) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostChain.load(PostChain.java:88) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostChain.<init>(PostChain.java:54) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.renderer.GameRenderer.loadEffect(GameRenderer.java:321) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.guryavkin.drugsmodguryavkin.event.ClientEvents$ClientKeyEvents.onKeyInput(ClientEvents.java:38) ~[%23188!/:?] {re:classloading}
	at net.guryavkin.drugsmodguryavkin.event.__ClientKeyEvents_onKeyInput_Key.invoke(.dynamic) ~[%23188!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:eventbus:B}
	at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:73) ~[eventbus-6.0.3.jar%23107!/:?] {}
	at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:315) ~[eventbus-6.0.3.jar%23107!/:?] {}
	at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:296) ~[eventbus-6.0.3.jar%23107!/:?] {}
	at net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.onKeyInput(ForgeHooksClient.java:753) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23182%23189!/:?] {re:classloading}
	at net.minecraft.client.KeyboardHandler.keyPress(KeyboardHandler.java:407) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.KeyboardHandler.lambda$setup$7(KeyboardHandler.java:442) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.execute(BlockableEventLoop.java:90) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B}
	at net.minecraft.client.KeyboardHandler.lambda$setup$8(KeyboardHandler.java:441) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWKeyCallbackI.callback(GLFWKeyCallbackI.java:44) ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar%23162!/:build 7] {}
	at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[lwjgl-3.3.1.jar%23168!/:build 7] {}
	at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents(GLFW.java:3403) ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar%23162!/:build 7] {}
	at com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem.flipFrame(RenderSystem.java:164) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.Window.updateDisplay(Window.java:337) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:1143) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:700) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.run(Main.java:212) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:51) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {}
	at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77) ~[?:?] {}
	at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:?] {}
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:568) ~[?:?] {}
	at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.ForgeClientUserdevLaunchHandler.lambda$launchService$0(ForgeClientUserdevLaunchHandler.java:25) ~[fmlloader-1.19.2-43.2.3.jar%2395!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.java:30) [modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%23108!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:53) [modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%23108!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:71) [modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%23108!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:106) [modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%23108!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:77) [modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%23108!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer.java:26) [modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%23108!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer.java:23) [modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%23108!/:?] {}
	at cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher.main(BootstrapLauncher.java:141) [bootstraplauncher-1.1.2.jar:?] {}
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 4 out of bounds for length 4
	at net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostChain.parseUniformNode(PostChain.java:243) ~[forge-1.19.2-43.2.3_mapped_official_1.19.2-recomp.jar%23183!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}
	... 36 more
fuckety resource location bad, drugsmodguryavkin shaders/post/tripeffect.json
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 4 out of bounds for length 4

i can't make further progress anymore. managed to load a shader without shader compilation issues. this is what i get.
my "post" json:

    "targets": [
    "passes": [
            "name": "tripeffect",
            "intarget": "minecraft:main",
            "outtarget": "swap",
            "uniforms": [
                { "name": "ProjMat", "values": [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] },
                { "name": "OutSize", "values": [ 1.0, 1.0 ] },
                { "name": "Time",  "values": [ 0.0 ] }
            "name": "blit",
            "intarget": "swap",
            "outtarget": "minecraft:main"


 my "program" json:

    "blend": {
        "func": "add",
        "srcrgb": "one",
        "dstrgb": "zero"
    "vertex": "tripeffect",
    "fragment": "tripeffect",
    "attributes": [ "Position" ],
    "samplers": [
        { "name": "DiffuseSampler" }
    "uniforms": [
        { "name": "ProjMat",      "type": "matrix4x4", "count": 16, "values": [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] },
        { "name": "OutSize",      "type": "float",     "count": 2,  "values": [ 1.0, 1.0 ] },
        { "name": "Time",         "type": "float",     "count": 1,  "values": [ 0.0 ] }


my event handler where shader is loaded:

        public static void onKeyInput(InputEvent.Key event)
                    GameRenderer renderer = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer;
                    ResourceLocation loc = new ResourceLocation(DrugsModGuryavkin.MOD_ID, "shaders/post/tripeffect.json");
                    if (ResourceLocation.isValidResourceLocation(loc.getPath()))
                        ModMessages.sendToServer(new HighC2SPacket());
                    System.out.println(String.format("fuckety resource location bad, %1$s %2$s", loc.getNamespace(), loc.getPath()));
            catch (Exception e)

all sorts of output because im losing my mind rn trying to make it work

my .fsh (if im using built-in uniforms wrong i will fix them later myself dont mind me):

#version 150

#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;

uniform float Time;
uniform sampler2D DiffuseSampler;

in vec2 texCoord;
in vec2 oneTexel;

out vec4 fragColor;

vec3 pal( in float t, in vec3 a, in vec3 b, in vec3 c, in vec3 d )
    return a + b*cos( 6.28318*(c*t+d) );

void main() {
    vec4 origColor = texture(DiffuseSampler, texCoord);

    float catx = texCoord.x;

    float caty = texCoord.y;

    float hyp = sqrt(pow(catx, 2.0) + pow(caty, 2.0));

    float rotAmp = degrees(Time/hyp);

    mat2 rotate = mat2(sin(rotAmp), cos(rotAmp), -cos(rotAmp), sin(rotAmp));

    vec2 p = texCoord.xy / oneTexel.xy * rotate;

    p.x *= oneTexel.x/oneTexel.y;

    vec3 col = pal( p.x+p.y, vec3(abs(0.5*sin(Time)),0.3,0.3),vec3(0.4,abs(0.5*sin(Time-0.7587)),0.2),vec3(abs(0.5*sin(2.0*Time-0.7587)),0.3,abs(0.8*sin(0.1*Time-0.7587))),vec3(0.0,abs(0.5*cos(1.5*Time-0.7587)),0.1) );

    col *= 0.2*abs(sin(degrees(Time/(360.0*4.0))));

    fragColor.r = mix(col.r, origColor.r, 0.1);
    fragColor.g = mix(col.g, origColor.g, 0.1);
    fragColor.b = mix(col.b, origColor.b, 0.1);
    fragColor.a = 1.0;
  	//all credit to gleurop on shaderstoy.com btw


my .vsh (copied blit.vsh)

#version 150

in vec4 Position;

uniform mat4 ProjMat;
uniform vec2 OutSize;
uniform float Time;

out vec2 texCoord;
out vec2 oneTexel;

void main(){
    vec4 outPos = ProjMat * vec4(Position.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
    gl_Position = vec4(outPos.xy, 0.2, 1.0);

    texCoord = Position.xy / OutSize;
    oneTexel = 1.0 / OutSize;


what am i doing wrong

progress#1 branch in github https://github.com/lveeeeeeeeeee/guryavkin_drugs_mod_for_minecraft

Edited by cocicocyn
added github
Posted (edited)

YEESSSSSSSSSSSSS OH MY GOD devs please pay attention to PostChain#parseUniformNode method it seems to be broken (or i am just dumb) and finally i can change this to [SOLVED]

Edited by cocicocyn
grammar because i got too excited
  • cocicocyn changed the title to [SOLVED BUT PARSING PROBLEM] [1.19.2] force client to toggle custom "post" shader when something happens on server

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