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I'm porting a mod someone else wrote to 1.18.2. It increases mob caps. It does this using something called ObfuscationReflectionHelper, which I unfortunately have no experience with, and which seems to have been removed for 1.18.

How can I replicate the following code in 1.18.2 and beyond?

(I've already updated a few things, like changing EntityClassification to MobCategory.)

	private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
//		for (EntityClassification classification : EntityClassification.values()) {
//			LOGGER.error(String.format("%s: %d", classification.getName(), classification.getMaxNumberOfCreature()));
//		}
		try {
			Field mobCap = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.findField(MobCategory.class, "field_75606_e");
			Field modifierField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
			modifierField.setInt(mobCap, mobCap.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
			mobCap.setInt(MobCategory.MONSTER, Config.MONSTER_CAP.get());
			mobCap.setInt(MobCategory.CREATURE, Config.CREATURE_CAP.get());
			mobCap.setInt(MobCategory.AMBIENT, Config.AMBIENT_CAP.get());
			mobCap.setInt(MobCategory.WATER_CREATURE, Config.WATER_CREATURE_CAP.get());
			mobCap.setInt(MobCategory.WATER_AMBIENT, Config.WATER_AMBIENT_CAP.get());
		} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
//		for (EntityClassification classification : EntityClassification.values()) {
//			LOGGER.error(String.format("%s: %d", classification.getName(), classification.getMaxNumberOfCreature()));
//		}


15 hours ago, Syric said:

I'm porting a mod someone else wrote to 1.18.2. It increases mob caps. It does this using something called ObfuscationReflectionHelper, which I unfortunately have no experience with, and which seems to have been removed for 1.18.

ObfuscationReflectionHelper still exists, though not in the same location.

15 hours ago, Syric said:

How can I replicate the following code in 1.18.2 and beyond?

The same way as in the previous version, only with the class and srg field name updated. Though, you should be enqueueing that through #enqueueWork as the operation is not thread-safe.


Ah, thank you! That helps a lot.

I'm afraid I'm not 100% clear on the enqueue business; threads are a bit of a weak spot in my knowledge. I'll go patch that up and figure things out. Thanks again!

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