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Ideas for Fluid Coding


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Ok first things first. I added a new type of liquid.

Em it is a Gas. Which is finite.

Now this gas does not work on Vanilla Mechanics.

The Problem is that i have some trouble. And before i run out of ideas ill ask here.


Now a view things first. i only ask for ideas how i can handel things.


Now my Gas tries always to come up into the hight.

If it does can not doing it than it Starts to extends itself. (The gas cut himself i to 100millibuckets) And now the Problem

The splitting into parts make me some trouble!

A full bucket of gas can cut himself down into 10 parts. Now it runs with a for loop so fast that it extends into million blocks (the gas does stop fly up when he hit the 150 y Coord)

xD now the question do you have some ideas how to spread a gas into peaces without creating more gas which the sourceblock has?

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Couldn't you theoretically make it so that after a small amount of time, the original gas block splits into a 5th block ( so 1/5 the original block size ) and then each square adjacent to it get a 1/5 gas block generated on it etc. And you just break it down until it reaches a certain level that you want it to be at?


That would be how I would do it.

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD

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Ok first things first. I added a new type of liquid.

Em it is a Gas. Which is finite.

Now this gas does not work on Vanilla Mechanics.

The Problem is that i have some trouble. And before i run out of ideas ill ask here.


Now a view things first. i only ask for ideas how i can handel things.


Now my Gas tries always to come up into the hight.

If it does can not doing it than it Starts to extends itself. (The gas cut himself i to 100millibuckets) And now the Problem

The splitting into parts make me some trouble!

A full bucket of gas can cut himself down into 10 parts. Now it runs with a for loop so fast that it extends into million blocks (the gas does stop fly up when he hit the 150 y Coord)

xD now the question do you have some ideas how to spread a gas into peaces without creating more gas which the sourceblock has?

why not make full block no source block,like water,when it flows down its splits to 4 sides.What you need to do the same.Or when water flow down,its creating fool block and its flows like not source block =)

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Ok maybe i did understand you wrong. But i want to create block that is moving instead of creating flowing blocks.

When the Sourceblock can not move up then he tries to extends


Here's a tip mate, the people trying to help you have trouble understanding what you mean by a "moving block which extends to" and such sentences.


Do you want a block which behaves like gas? well then why the scale of 100milion buckets? wtf?

I don't really understand what you overall are trying to achieve and much less what exactly the problems are :P

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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If it does can not doing it than it Starts to extends itself. (The gas cut himself i to 100millibuckets) And now the Problem

The splitting into parts make me some trouble!

A full bucket of gas can cut himself down into 10 parts. Now it runs with a for loop so fast that it extends into million blocks (the gas does stop fly up when he hit the 150 y Coord)

I don't see how you can confuse 10 in millions within a single for loop.

Anyway, i would assume that after you cut the block into pieces, you removed the original block, right ?

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Sorry for beeing cofusing you all.

First it was morning and i was in a rush and i wanted to answer fast.


second thing this is not a need help post its a have you some ideas post.


Third thing the Block has 9 subblocks.


Meta 0 = 1000Millibuckets gas

Meta 1 = 900 millibuckets gas


Meta 9 = 100 Millibuckets Gas


Lower it won't go.


Now to explaining what was my idea:


If you put a full gas block (meta 0) down it flies up.


Maximum to height level 150.


The he looks is my meta lower than 9


Then it tries to expand. It look around himself if it is free:


Than he spawn a new Block (meta 9) and set him +1 meta.


that is what it is. ^^ thats my idea^^

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Let me pseudo code what I understand:

BlockPosition block =  gaz.getFreeNeighbour();
setMeta(new Gaz(block), 9);


If i am right, the original block will indeed deplete and should only give a maximum of 9 gaz blocks with 100millibuckets.

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Yeah but i used for loops to catch every side.

Than i had the trouble that every gas flows in direction North or South.

So i added a random like this:


    public void flowing(World par0, int par1, int par2, int par3)
        if(!canGoUp(par0, par1, par2, par3) && par0.getBlockMetadata(par1, par2, par3) == 9)
            if(rand.nextInt(5) == 0)
                for(int i = 2;i<6;i++)
                    if(rand.nextInt(5)+2 == i)
                        if(WorldReading.isBlockAir(par0, par1, par2, par3, i))
                            wanderGas(par0, par1, par2, par3, i);
        if(canGoUp(par0, par1,par2,par3))
            flyUp(par0, par1, par2, par3);
            if(canExpand(par0, par1, par2, par3))
                for(int c=2;c<6;c++)
                    int meta = par0.getBlockMetadata(par1, par2, par3);
                    if(rand.nextInt(4)+2 == c)
                        if(meta < 9)
                            if(!WorldReading.isBlockAir(par0, par1, par2, par3, c))
                                if(WorldReading.isSameBlock(par0, par1, par2, par3, c, this.blockID))
                                    if(WorldReading.getSidedBlockMetadata(par0, par1, par2, par3, c) > 0)
                                        int sidedMeta = WorldReading.getSidedBlockMetadata(par0, par1, par2, par3, c);
                                        int cMeta = par0.getBlockMetadata(par1, par2, par3);
                                        if(sidedMeta > cMeta)
                                            expandGas(par0, par1, par2, par3, c);
                                CreateGas(par0, par1, par2, par3, c);



I already finished the code yesterday and it is perfect (in my opinien)

It flows smothly and does not create much lag^^ Also it moves not so fast.

And you can see that it moves in random directions^^

And WorldReading is my Own WorldClass with Side Sensitiven Functions ^^

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^^ You miss understood me wrong! I did not mean Server-Client sided Functions!


My WorldReading has some usefull functions which save a lot time with writing it!


Like this function:

GetSidedBlockMetadata(World par0, int ZCoord, int Ycoord, ZCoord, int side)

    public static int getSidedBlockMetadata(World par0, int par1, int par2, int par3, int side)
        if(side == 0)return par0.getBlockMetadata(par1, par2-1, par3);
        else if(side == 1)return par0.getBlockMetadata(par1, par2+1, par3);
        else if(side == 2)return par0.getBlockMetadata(par1, par2, par3-1);
        else if(side == 3)return par0.getBlockMetadata(par1, par2, par3+1);
        else if(side == 4)return par0.getBlockMetadata(par1-1, par2, par3);
        else return par0.getBlockMetadata(par1+1, par2, par3);

Do you understand now what i mean?

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Well you said WorldReading was a World class. But seeing this method, it is just a utility class.

So, I worried too much :P


I would take a more object-oriented approach rather than this static method, but whatever floats your boat.  ;)

You limit yourself to 6 sides when there is 26 neighbours to any given block by the way.

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That will also create more lag!

So i stay at that^^"

But thanks for the ideas i finished the block^^"

It works perfect^^"

Also it is compatibel to the Liquids and i do not use the block flowing.

1 thing is this kind of block is not usefull like water blocks^^"

Also Maybe ill replace lava with this kind of block so you really have flowing lava^^"

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