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How do I find what block/coordinates the player is looking at?


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I'm trying to make lightning sword (cliché, I know) that calls down lightning at the position the player is looking at on right click. I already have it really close to done, and I can call lightning down at a BlockPos (I've tested this by calling lightning on the player themselves).

So all of that works, I just need to find the coordinates the player is looking at from either a Player or ServerPlayer object

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some math you need 


	// #########################################################################3
	// devuelve el punto en el espacio a la distancia especificada en la direccion
	// hacia donde esta
	// mirando el player
	public Vec3 calcular_vo() {
	return calcular_vo(this.vi, this.subject, this.distancia, this.precision);
	public Vec3 calcular_vo(Vec3 vi, Entity player, int distancia, float precision) { // int distancia, float
	// precision
	// System.out.println( "calcularVectores(Vec3 " + vi + ", Entity player, int " +
	// distancia + ", float " + precision + ")" );
	// vi = player.getEyePosition(0.0F);
	// rotacion Vertical en grados
	float gpitch = player.getViewXRot(0.0F);
	// rotacion Horizontal en grados
	float gyaw = player.getViewYRot(0.0F);
	// precision = 0.0F => perfect aim
	// precision = 1.0f => 45º ramdom error any direction
	precision = (precision > 1.0F) ? 1.0F : ((precision < 0.0F) ? 0.0F : precision);
	float factor = (90F * precision);
	gpitch = (float) ((gpitch - (factor / 2)) + (factor * Math.random()));
	gpitch = fixGrad(gpitch);
	gyaw = (float) ((gyaw - (factor / 2)) + (factor * Math.random()));
	gyaw = fixGrad(gyaw);
	// util.gradosAradianes(float x)
	// util.radianesAgrados(float x)
	// rotacion Horizontal en radianes
	double ryaw = gradosAradianes(gyaw);
	// rotacion Vertical en radianes
	double rpitch = gradosAradianes(gpitch);
	// correcccion de -90 grados
	double tmpryaw = ryaw - 1.5707964D;
	Vec3 vo = new Vec3(vi.x - ((Math.cos(tmpryaw)) * (Math.cos(rpitch) * distancia)),
	vi.y - (Math.sin(rpitch) * distancia), vi.z - ((Math.sin(tmpryaw)) * (Math.cos(rpitch) * distancia)));
	return vo;
	// #########################################################################3
	public static float gradosAradianes(float x) {
	return (float) ((x * Math.PI) / 180F);
	// #########################################################################3
	public float radianesAgrados(float x) {
	return (float) ((x * 180F) / Math.PI);
	// #########################################################################3
	public static float fixGrad(float D) {
	D %= 360.0F;
	if (D < -179F) {
	D += 360F;
	if (D > 180F) {
	D -= 360F;
	return D;

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player.pick() - method is defined in the Entity class, does ray tracing for an entity

On the client, some of the calculations are cached for the player in the Minecraft class,

e.g. see how GameRenderer.pick() calculates Minecraft.hitResult or Minecraft.crosshairPickEntity


If you don't post your logs/debug.log we can't help you. For curseforge you need to enable the forge debug.log in its minecraft settings. You should also post your crash report if you have one.

If there is no error in the log file and you don't have a crash report then post the launcher_log.txt from the minecraft folder. Again for curseforge this will be in your curseforge/minecraft/Install

Large files should be posted to a file sharing site like https://gist.github.com  You should also read the support forum sticky post.

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