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Minecraft forge 1.19.4 ERROR 1


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When I try to enter minecraft with forge 1.19.4 I get the error 1 sorry for the inconvenience I have tried to do everything, reinstall java, reinstall minecraft, older versions of forge, absolutely everything, I have also tried to install java kit and nothing at all, nothing works and I do not start forge, I tried with fabric and in the case of fabric if but nothing forge, someone can help me please? It only happens to me in this laptop (hp omen 16 windows 11) I also have updated everything on the computer.



Cuando intento entrar a minecraft con el forge 1.19.4 me salta el error 1 sentimos las molestias he probado a hacer de todo, reinstalar java, reinstalar minecraft, versiones de forge mas antiguas, absolutamente todo, he probado a instalar tambien java kit y nada de nada, no me funciona nada y no se me inicia forge, he probado con fabric y en el caso de fabric si pero en forge nada, alguien me puede ayudar por favor? Solo me pasa en este portatil (hp omen 16 windows 11) Tambien tengo actualizado todo del ordenador



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