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Hi, every time I try to generate a world (forge 1.16.5 version 36.2.34) I get the same crash exception, that being "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive"

crash report can be found here https://pastebin.com/BHV50zvN

my modlist is currently as follows:

Zombie Extreme 1.16.5 0.2.0 UNSTABLE VERSION.jar  |Zombie Extreme                |zombie_extreme                |0.2.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		DripSounds-1.16-0.3.0.jar                         |Drip Sounds                   |waterdripsound                |0.3.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		BetterDungeons-1.16.4-1.2.1.jar                   |YUNG's Better Dungeons        |betterdungeons                |1.16.4-1.2.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		jei-1.16.5-                         |Just Enough Items             |jei                           |          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		incontrol-1.16-5.2.12.jar                         |InControl                     |incontrol                     |1.16-5.2.12         |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		libraryferret-forge-1.16.5-4.0.0.jar              |Library ferret                |libraryferret                 |4.0.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		tac-r-                          |Timeless and Classics Guns    |tac                           |             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		BetterCaves-Forge-1.16.4-1.1.2.jar                |YUNG's Better Caves           |bettercaves                   |1.16.4-1.1.2        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		villagernames_1.16.5-4.3.jar                      |Villager Names                |villagernames                 |4.3                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		JRFTL [1.16.5]-1.2.jar                            |JRFTL                         |jrftl                         |1.2                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		EnhancedVisuals_v1.3.32_mc1.16.5.jar              |EnhancedVisuals               |enhancedvisuals               |1.3.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Controlling-                          |Controlling                   |controlling                   |            |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		comforts-forge-1.16.5-                 |Comforts                      |comforts                      |1.16.5-      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		zombieawareness-1.16.5-1.12.jar                   |Zombie Awareness              |zombieawareness               |1.16.5-1.12         |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		YungsApi-1.16.4-Forge-13.jar                      |YUNG's API                    |yungsapi                      |1.16.4-Forge-13     |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		stoneholm-1.2.2.jar                               |Stoneholm                     |stoneholm                     |1.2                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		betteranimalsplus-1.16.5-11.0.10-forge.jar        |Better Animals Plus           |betteranimalsplus             |1.16.5-11.0.10      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ImprovedBackpacks-                     |Improved Backpacks            |improvedbackpacks             |             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		BadMobs-1.16.5-9.1.9.jar                          |BadMobs                       |badmobs                       |9.1.9               |DONE      |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
		guardvillagers-                   |Guard Villagers               |guardvillagers                |1.2.6               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		takesapillage-1.0.3-1.16.5.jar                    |It Takes A Pillage            |takesapillage                 |1.0.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		JustEnoughResources-1.16.5-         |Just Enough Resources         |jeresources                   |          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		firstaid-1.9.8.jar                                |First Aid                     |firstaid                      |1.9.8               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		forge-1.16.5-36.2.34-universal.jar                |Forge                         |forge                         |36.2.34             |DONE      |Manifest: 22:af:21:d8:19:82:7f:93:94:fe:2b:ac:b7:e4:41:57:68:39:87:b1:a7:5c:c6:44:f9:25:74:21:14:f5:0d:90
		forge-1.16.5-36.2.34-client.jar                   |Minecraft                     |minecraft                     |1.16.5              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		TenshiLib-1.16.3-1.3.0.jar                        |TenshiLib                     |tenshilib                     |1.16.3-1.3.0        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		FarmersDelight-1.16.5-0.6.0.jar                   |Farmer's Delight              |farmersdelight                |1.16.5-0.6.0        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		fd_cookbook-2.0.jar                               |Farmers Delight Cookbook      |fd_cookbook                   |2.0                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		morevillagers-FORGE-1.16.5-1.5.5.jar              |More Villagers                |morevillagers                 |1.5.5               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		physics-mod-1.0.6_forge.jar                       |Physics Mod                   |physicsmod                    |1.0                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		MouseTweaks-2.14-mc1.16.2.jar                     |Mouse Tweaks                  |mousetweaks                   |2.14                |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		getittogetherdrops-1.16.5-v1.2.jar                |Get It Together, Drops!       |getittogetherdrops            |1.16.5-v1.2         |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Jade-1.16.4-2.8.3.jar                             |Jade                          |jade                          |2.8.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		CreativeCore_v2.2.1_mc1.16.5.jar                  |CreativeCore                  |creativecore                  |2.0.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		YungsBridges-Forge-1.16.4-1.0.1.jar               |YUNG's Bridges                |yungsbridges                  |1.16.4-1.0.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		jeiintegration_1.16.5-                |JEI Integration               |jeiintegration                |            |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		farmersrespite-1.16.5-1.1.jar                     |Farmer's Respite              |farmersrespite                |1.16.5-1.1          |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		curios-forge-1.16.5-                   |Curios API                    |curios                        |1.16.5-      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Patchouli-1.16.4-53.3.jar                         |Patchouli                     |patchouli                     |1.16.4-53.3         |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		collective-1.16.5-5.49.jar                        |Collective                    |collective                    |5.49                |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		mobsunscreen-1.16.5-3.0.4.jar                     |Mob Sunscreen                 |mobsunscreen                  |1.16.5-3.0.4        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		AppleTreesRev-Forge-1.16.5-v2.6.jar               |Apple Trees Revived           |appletreesrev                 |2.6                 |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		JustEnoughProfessions-1.16.5-1.2.2.jar            |Just Enough Professions (JEP) |justenoughprofessions         |1.2.2               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		AutoRegLib-1.6-49.jar                             |AutoRegLib                    |autoreglib                    |1.6-49              |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		Quark-r2.4-322.jar                                |Quark                         |quark                         |r2.4-322            |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		ParCool-1.16.5-                      |ParCool!                      |parcool                       |1.16.5-    |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		YungsExtras-Forge-1.16.4-1.0.jar                  |YUNG's Extras                 |yungsextras                   |Forge-1.16.4-1.0    |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		bettervillage-forge-1.16.5-3.1.0.jar              |Better village                |bettervillage                 |3.0.0               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		lostcities-1.16-4.0.12-beta.jar                   |LostCities                    |lostcities                    |1.16-4.0.12-beta    |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		obfuscate-0.6.3-1.16.5.jar                        |Obfuscate                     |obfuscate                     |0.6.3               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		BetterStrongholds-1.16.4-1.2.1.jar                |YUNG's Better Strongholds     |betterstrongholds             |1.16.4-1.2.1        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		CoroUtil-1.16.5-1.2.37.jar                        |CoroUtil                      |coroutil                      |1.16.5-1.2.37       |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		architectury-1.32.68.jar                          |Architectury                  |architectury                  |1.32.68             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		appleskin-forge-mc1.16.x-2.4.0.jar                |AppleSkin                     |appleskin                     |2.4.0+mc1.16.4      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		cloth-config-4.17.101-forge.jar                   |Cloth Config v4 API           |cloth-config                  |4.17.101            |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		byg-1.3.6.jar                                     |Oh The Biomes You'll Go       |byg                           |1.3.4               |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		improvedmobs-1.16.5-1.10.13.jar                   |Improved Mobs Mod             |improvedmobs                  |1.16.5-1.10.13      |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		SoundFilters-0.14_for_1.16.2.jar                  |Sound Filters                 |soundfilters                  |0.14_for_1.16.2     |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		BetterMineshafts-Forge-1.16.4-2.0.4.jar           |YUNG's Better Mineshafts      |bettermineshafts              |1.16.4-2.0.4        |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
		geckolib-forge-1.16.5-3.0.106.jar                 |GeckoLib                      |geckolib3                     |3.0.106             |DONE      |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE

and I have certain configs for spawns, those being
1. (phases.json) https://pastebin.com/VxuAbF0R
2. (spawn.json) https://pastebin.com/MqjZCCjC
3. (spawner.json) https://pastebin.com/B3di0u9h
4. (badmobs-common.toml) https://pastebin.com/Yywi8VLL 

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    • You can check mod compatibility remove new mods and test them one by one.
    • @Tsuk1 Also, new note, you can use blockbench to make the custom item model for when it is not on the head.   EDIT: Funny story, I am making a mod similar to yours! Mine is called NorseMC.
    • @Nood_dev Could you send a screenshot of your weapon code? Here is the one I made (for a dagger): The specific UUID does not matter, just that it is the same every time, which is why UUID#randomUUID does not work public class DaggerItem extends TieredItem implements Vanishable { protected static final double REACH_MODIFIER = -1.5D; protected final Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> defaultModifiers; protected final UUID BASE_ATTACK_REACH_UUID = UUID.fromString("6fe75b5c-9d1b-4e83-9eea-a1d5a94e8dd5") public DaggerItem(Tier pTier, int pAttackDamageModifier, float pAttackSpeedModifier, Properties pProperties) { super(pTier, pAttackDamageModifier, pAttackSpeedModifier, pProperties); this.attackDamage = (float) pAttackDamageModifier + pTier.getAttackDamageBonus(); ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Attribute, AttributeModifier> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); builder.put(Attributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE, new AttributeModifier(BASE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_UUID, "Weapon modifier", this.attackDamage, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION)); builder.put(Attributes.ATTACK_SPEED, new AttributeModifier(BASE_ATTACK_SPEED_UUID, "Weapon modifier", pAttackSpeedModifier, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION)); // THE ONE YOU WANT: builder.put(ForgeMod.ENTITY_REACH.get(), new AttributeModifier(BASE_ATTACK_REACH_UUID, "Weapon modifier", REACH_MODIFIER, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION)); this.defaultModifiers = builder.build(); } @Override public Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> getDefaultAttributeModifiers(EquipmentSlot pEquipmentSlot) { return pEquipmentSlot == EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND ? this.defaultModifiers : super.getDefaultAttributeModifiers(pEquipmentSlot); } }
    • https://images.app.goo.gl/1PxFKdxByTgkxvSu6
    • That's what we'll try out. I could never figure out how to recreate the crash, so I'll just have to wait and see.
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