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I'm trying to stop players from using certain items until they meet some prerequisites, but I can't seem to get a good comparison working that will allow me to do something with the item in the spot.


So far I've just created some conditional statements to test my ideas. Below you can see that I'm using the isSwingInProgress event in a player update event. I'm using this because I don't want the item to get kicked for having it, just using it.


Right now I am having the chat spit out the (player name) "is using a" currentItem. Well this comes out in chat as "Player### is using a 1xpickaxeStone@1 (2, 3 ...). So when I try to compare the .getCurrentItem to an ItemStack variable that I created I'm not getting the right comparison.


Any help is appreciated! Also, if more explanation is needed please let me know.


public void onPlayerUpdate(LivingUpdateEvent event){
	if(event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer){
		EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.entityLiving;


			player.addChatMessage(player.getEntityName() + " is using a " + player.inventory.getCurrentItem());

			ItemStack heldItem = new ItemStack(Item.pickaxeStone);

			if(player.inventory..getCurrentItem() == heldItem){
				player.addChatMessage("Using a Stone Pickaxe."); //If I get this message to display then I know I can get the items kicked out of the slot, just need to get this if statement working.


Sorry to say, but basic java:


ItemStack heldItem = new ItemStack(Item.pickaxeStone);
if(player.inventory.getCurrentItem() == heldItem){

'==' in this case has an other meaning than you think. It's checking if both objects are the one and the same, meaning they hold a reference to the same location in memory. The solution would be:

if(player.inventory.getCurrentItem().itemID == Item.pickaxeStone.itemID)


But please learn more about Java before proceding, it will make you life easier :).

Author of PneumaticCraft, MineChess, Minesweeper Mod and Sokoban Mod. Visit www.minemaarten.com to take a look at them.


There's also an .equals() function in class ItemStack, which will compare two item stacks for equality (same item ID, same metadata, same NBT tags).

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Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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