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Mapped Recipe Lists


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Just a little intro - I'm a graduating Computer Science Major with an avid love of Minecraft, and am picking up Modding one of my all time favorite games.


While I was attempting to create specific recipes for different purposes, I realized that I would have to copy-paste the existing Recipe Manager, or create my own class to manage recipes, if I only wanted them craftable from certain block containers. 


Long story short, I created a few modifications to the original CraftingManager that, instead of maintaining a singular RecipeList, changes it to managing an arbitrary number of different Lists, mapped by keys.  I only added methods, and all existing methods use a default key of "minecraft", which allows this to be dropped in as a replacement for the CraftingManager class and continue to have it work as advertised.


I'm not sure how useful others will find it, but I found it added quite a bit of functionality without breaking anything existing, and with only a small bit of code.  Also, having the ability to have separate crafting lists is something I feel Forge should support 'out of the box'.


Code is as follows:


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Meh, there really isnt much need for a special wrapper around an array list. The functionality is fairly basic, just a couple of loops over the list.

Also, a note about your implemnetation:

1) It breaks compatibility with anyone who reads the list from the field.

2) It should of been submitted in a Pull request

3) Please be a bit more efficient in your implementation. Only one lookup is needed. A single map.get(key) instead of hasKey, get, put, over and over.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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