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[1.19.2]Crash on creating entity


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So basically, I trying to create a "Smoke Bomb", and for that I made Item that throwing a smoke bomb projectile, and after smoke bomb projectile is hit block, it should create entity "smoke zone" but instead of that I got immediately crashed. I can't even make a renderer for this entity in mod class, it give an error, and I honestly don't know WHERE and WHY.

public class SmokeBombEntity extends ThrowableItemProjectile {
    public  SmokeBombEntity(EntityType<? extends ThrowableItemProjectile> pEntityType, Level pLevel) {

        super(pEntityType, pLevel);
public  SmokeBombEntity(Level pLevel) {
        super(ModEntities.SMOKE_BOMB_PROJECTILE.get(), pLevel);
public  SmokeBombEntity(Level pLevel, LivingEntity livingEntity) {
        super(ModEntities.SMOKE_BOMB_PROJECTILE.get(), livingEntity, pLevel);
    protected Item getDefaultItem() {
        return ModItems.SMOKE_BOMB.get();

    protected void onHitBlock(BlockHitResult pResult) {
        if(!this.level.isClientSide) {
            SmokeZoneEntity smokeZone = new SmokeZoneEntity(ModEntities.SMOKE_ZONE_ENTITY.get(), level);
        level.playSound((Player) null, getBlockX(), getBlockY(), getBlockZ(), SoundEvents.GLASS_BREAK, SoundSource.NEUTRAL, 0.5F, 0.4F);
public class SmokeZoneEntity extends Entity {
    public SmokeZoneEntity(EntityType<?> pEntityType, Level pLevel) {
        super(pEntityType, pLevel);
        this.noPhysics = true;
    public SmokeZoneEntity(Level pLevel, double pX, double pY, double pZ) {
        this(ModEntities.SMOKE_ZONE_ENTITY.get(), pLevel);
        this.setPos(pX, pY, pZ);
    public  SmokeZoneEntity(Level pLevel) {
        super(ModEntities.SMOKE_ZONE_ENTITY.get(), pLevel);

    protected void defineSynchedData() {}
    protected void readAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag pCompound) {}
    protected void addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag pCompound) {

    public Packet<?> getAddEntityPacket() {
        return new ClientboundAddEntityPacket(this);

Also I can't render a smoke zone entity in a mod class, but smoke bomb projectile works completely fine

        public static void onClientSetup(FMLClientSetupEvent event) {

            EntityRenderers.register(ModEntities.SMOKE_BOMB_PROJECTILE.get(), ThrownItemRenderer::new);
          //HERE AN ISSUE  EntityRenderers.register(ModEntities.SMOKE_ZONE_ENTITY.get(), EntityRenderer::new);


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Edited by JuSTGh0sT1242
added code for context
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