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is there any kind of event listener in some hidden part of forge that will pop up when a block is broken ?

i've checked in the world events and in the entity , entity living , and entity player , but the closest thing is the start to break , witch i dont want to use cause it'd cause lots of exploding guns.


now just to clarify i don't want the event to be on a block , cause i'm checking if an item the player has is in their hand when they break it , not ,for example, if should the block explode if not harvested properly.


what i want to do is make it so if some one breaks a block with a gun , the next time the gun is used it will explode in their hands.


Put your check in func_77660_a (I don't know it's non obfuscated name, it has that name in my de-obfuscated code) for the gun. That method is what damages the tool when it finishes destroying a block.


    public boolean func_77660_a(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6, EntityLiving par7EntityLiving)
       //Returns true when a block is broken
       boolean result = super.func_77660_a(par1ItemStack, par2World, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7EntityLiving);
       if(result == true)
       return result;



You can also make it happen on hit by putting your check in getStrVsBlock code for the gun.

    public float getStrVsBlock(ItemStack par1ItemStack, Block par2Block)
        if(par2Block != null)
              //We are hitting against a block
              if(par2Block.blockMaterial != Material.colth)
                     //If we hit any material other than ones that are cloth based, set the explode flag.
        return 1.0F;


didnt see that but i fixed it when typing it in any ways

the problem is the super.func_77660_a() always returns false

its hard coded that way in the parent . so i just made it so when ever it calls that function to make the gun be set to explode

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