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Thank you very much. I have one more question. I want to bind to the player some information to have quick access to it. I understand that I can use an associative array, but I want to receive information in O (1). Tell me please what i need to use for this.


As I understand it, these functions are called when a player enters or leaves the server or moved to another world. So if I keep information about player on the database, I can leave these functions are empty?

]Yes. But why would you want to do that? :)

Most likely, I'm just confused. I have a simple task:

The player is playing on my server can earn coins that are tied to their account in my site. When player connects to the server, I need to install their number. But each time send request to database as their number is render for a long time.


You didn't understand me. I understand how to get the value. I cann't understand how to update this value, because #registerExtendedProperties only works when calling the entity's constructor, and #getExtendedProperties only get the new instance.

P.S.  If you write code example, I would be very grateful)



I register onEntityConstruct like this:


public void onEntityConstruct(EntityConstructing event) {

        if (event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {

    ClientInformation properties = new ClientInformation();


            event.entity.registerExtendedProperties(ClientInformation.IDENTIFICATION, properties);




I update somewhere ExtendedProperties like this:




However, the value of which I render does not change:


@ForgeSubscribe(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)

public void onRenderHUD(RenderGameOverlayEvent event) {

if (event.isCancelable() || event.type != ElementType.EXPERIENCE) {




GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);



ClientInformation clientInfo = ClientInformation.getInformation(this.mc.thePlayer);

String money  = "$" + ((ClientInformation)(this.mc.thePlayer).getExtendedProperties(ClientInformation.IDENTIFICATION)).getMoney();

                //some code...



P.S. For some reason i can't to use the formatting tools =(

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