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[1.19.4] My Custom Projectile does not hit entities properly


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I made a projectile extending the AbstractHurtingProjectile class. The relevant code and video showing the error are shown below. I want my projectile to be able to pass through blocks and hit multiple entities, it should only despawn after a certain amount of time. For some reason, it does not hit entities in the situations shown below. It can't hit the bottom of the entity if there are blocks in the way, even though the projectile has been shown to damage an entity through blocks as long as I aim body level. Also, it can't hit entities through blocks if I shoot from above or below. Why is my projectile behaving like this? I am at my wit's end. (Ignore the chat I put that there for debugging purposes)

Video demonstrating issues


Class that defines projectile behavior:


Item class that shoots projectile when right-clicked (lines 37 and 53-56 are the relevant ones):


Class where I register the projectile entity:



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i think the hitbox is moved to a side 
no the one minecrafts display thats good
but the one your proyectile uses to detect when it hits the entitiy 

can you make some code to detect the entity and get the values from the hitbox 
i have something similar but to increase the range of melee weapons and have a similar trouble 

	    AABB aabb = target_entity.getBoundingBox().inflate(0.5F);
	    System.out.println( this.level().isClientSide() );
    System.out.println( "x " + (aabb.maxX - entity1.getX()) + ", " + ( entity1.getX() - aabb.minX ) );
    System.out.println( "y " + (aabb.maxY - entity1.getY()) + ", " + ( entity1.getY() - aabb.minY ) );
    System.out.println( "z " + (aabb.maxZ - entity1.getZ()) + ", " + ( entity1.getZ() - aabb.minZ ) );
	    Optional<Vec3> optional = aabb.clip(vi, vo);
    if (optional.isPresent()) { //then it hits
        list.add((LivingEntity) entity1);

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3 hours ago, perromercenary00 said:

i think the hitbox is moved to a side 
no the one minecrafts display thats good
but the one your proyectile uses to detect when it hits the entitiy 

I always thought the bounding box and hitbox of an entity were the same. From what I have looked up they are the same, but if anyone knows otherwise please do tell me. Anyway at this point I am just considering creating a new projectile and hoping it won't have the same issue.

5 hours ago, perromercenary00 said:

can you make some code to detect the entity and get the values from the hitbox 
i have something similar but to increase the range of melee weapons and have a similar trouble 

I am not too sure what you mean by this. Are you suggesting I write code on the projectile so that when it hits an entity, I get that entities's bounding box dimensions?

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7 hours ago, RaguRaccoon said:

I always thought the bounding box and hitbox of an entity were the same. From what I have looked up they are the same, but if anyone knows otherwise please do tell me. Anyway at this point I am just considering creating a new projectile and hoping it won't have the same issue.

The collision in this case is calculated using ProjectileUtil.getHitResult() which uses a slightly different bounding box than the bounding box of the projectile. But that bounding box should be bigger so should not be a problem. Your best bet might be to try and place some breakpoints and step throught the code to try and figure out why the collision does not work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in 1.19 i notice that an have to fix by hand 

in 1.20.4 this is not a problem anymore but 1.20 has its own set of new problems


	// ########## ########## ########## ##########
// lista de entidades atravezadas por la linea entre vi y vh|vo
public ArrayList<LivingEntity> findHitEntitys() {
return findHitEntitys(0.0D);
public ArrayList<LivingEntity> findHitEntitys(double grow) {
double hgrow = (grow/2) * -1;
Vec3 vi = this.subject.getEyePosition();
Vec3 vo = (this.vh != null) ? this.vh : this.vo;
Double xn = Math.min(vi.x, vo.x);
Double xm = Math.max(vi.x, vo.x);

Double yn = Math.min(vi.y, vo.y);
Double ym = Math.max(vi.y, vo.y);

Double zn = Math.min(vi.z, vo.z);
Double zm = Math.max(vi.z, vo.z);

Vec3 vdi = new Vec3(xn,yn,zn);
Vec3 vdo = new Vec3(xm,ym,zm);
// particle(warudo, vo);
AABB bb = new AABB(vi, vo).inflate(2.0D);
//System.out.println( (bb.maxX - bb.minX) + ", " + (bb.maxY - bb.minY) + ", " + (bb.maxZ - bb.minZ) );

ArrayList<LivingEntity> list = new ArrayList<LivingEntity>();
Predicate<? super Entity> cosa = target -> (target instanceof LivingEntity);//

for (Entity target_entity : this.warudo.getEntities(this.subject, bb, cosa)) {
// is the entity in the line
//if (entity1 instanceof LivingEntity)

AABB aabb = target_entity.getBoundingBox().inflate(grow);
//System.out.println( "x " + (aabb.maxX - entity1.getX()) + ", " + ( entity1.getX() - aabb.minX ) );
//System.out.println( "y " + (aabb.maxY - entity1.getY()) + ", " + ( entity1.getY() - aabb.minY ) );
//System.out.println( "z " + (aabb.maxZ - entity1.getZ()) + ", " + ( entity1.getZ() - aabb.minZ ) );

Optional<Vec3> optional = aabb.clip(vi, vo);
if (optional.isPresent()) {
list.add((LivingEntity) target_entity);

list.sort((o1, o2) -> (Double.compare(o1.position().distanceTo(vi), o2.position().distanceTo(vi))));
return list;


1.20.4 has not this problem anymore

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