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Pardon my errors in this post, as not only am i new (and thus ignorant) to forge modding in general, but i'm even newer to these forums.


So i want to create a texture atlas for my mod, and with it assign to each block its own index of the atlas.

I found a way to create the ResourceLocation from a post with a similiar interest, thus prompting me to insert this in my CustomBlock class:


TextureManager textureManager = Minecraft.getInstance().getTextureManager();

TextureAtlas textureAtlas = (TextureAtlas) textureManager.getTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/atlas/blocks.png"));

Problem is now, how do i tell in my BlockInit (Block initializer class) to assign said textureAtlas and its respective index block per block?

The forge docs are rather scarce, and are (imho) not very beginner friendly, as i had to watch a youtube tutorial series in order to even create my first item. However there is no example anywhere i searched for how to use a texture atlas instead of the easy method of "1 png = 1 object"...


If anyone were so kind as to pour a little of its knowledge and time for my issue, i'd be much, much grateful...

Thanks in advance!


well i'm doing "workplace danger signs" which all use the same model, but each sign uses a different index of the texture atlas. My friend who gave me the model says that it works only with the latter atlas, and not with a simple 16x16 texture png, because it would be tedious both for me and him to do something so repetitive.

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