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TileEntity not loading


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Hi, everyone!

I'm writing a little mod which adds blocks of different shape to minecaft. Each block has a TileEntity, which stores its type and texture index. When I place such blocks, they look fine and work as they are supposed to. But when I relog to my world, the TileEntityes do not load properly. Through debugging I found out, that they ARE loading (readFormNBT is called), but then block doesn't seem to have it. It also doesn't output any errors neither in console, nor in MFL log. My assumption is that it is loaded on the server side, but not on the client side (because the class constructor is called twice, when readFromNBT is called only once).

I've already tried to google the problem, but found nothing.

What could be causing that and what should I do to fix it?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english=)

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You need to use TileEntite's packet to tell the client what it should of read from the NBT.

As the client doesnt store the world file anywhere it relies on special packets to describe what tile entites are to it.

This has nothign to do with Forge, its just you havent written your TileEntity fully.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Thanks for your quick reply.

I'll try this in the morning, although I'm not quite sure how to do that.


Upd. 1:

So I looked at TileEntitySign class and saw the method I was missing. Thanks a lot for your patience and sorry for the stupid question=)

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