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Crashing forge server - 1.20.1; 47.2.0

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I really don't like resorting to help on the forum, because you are certainly burdened by a lot of people having similiar issues, but after many attempts to fix the error,
I have no choice. We have a private Minecraft server, version 1.20.1, which has around 230 mods. Crashes have been happening more and more recently. The crash I put in
the PasteBin below is the last one that happened.

I would be really grateful to anyone who would be willing to help me and preferably if he could explain to me some of the main points by which he recognized the problem.
I would like to be more self-sufficient in this regard in the future.

Thank you so much in advance and have a nice day!

Crash log: https://pastebin.com/vqEHqqrt

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3 minutes ago, TileEntity said:

Backup the world and make a test without storagenetwork

Hi, i appreciate the answer.

I would love to do that, but we have active players with all their belongings in SSN. Also this mod is really handy and they would be mad if we removed it.

Are you really certain that SSN is causing this? It would require lots of work to test it and SSN was not really an issue before we removed Fast Suite. Can
it be related somehow? I will provide you with log before removing FS.

PasteBin: https://pastebin.com/Y5EpLpNe (crash before removing Fast Suite, which I suspected to be a problem from some crash before)

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5 hours ago, TileEntity said:

Is there a change if you set max-tick-time to -1 in the server.properties?

So yeah, there is a change. Its even worse :(.

So far I have discovered that server is eating really weird amount of RAM. 32 GB is allocated and when we had one online player, 22 GB was used.

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Using Mod File: [09May2024 11:33:04.427] [main/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator/]: Found 50 dependencies adding them to mods collection [09May2024 11:33:10.029] [main/INFO] [dev.su5ed.sinytra.connector.service.hacks.ModuleLayerMigrator/]: Successfully made module authlib transformable [09May2024 11:33:14.416] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 [09May2024 11:33:15.020] [main/ERROR] [dev.su5ed.sinytra.connector.loader.ConnectorEarlyLoader/]: Skipping early mod setup due to previous error [09May2024 11:33:15.095] [main/INFO] [cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'forgeserver' with arguments [] [09May2024 11:33:22.894] [main/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/MouseHandler for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER [09May2024 11:33:22.895] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/MouseHandler (java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/MouseHandler for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER) [09May2024 11:33:22.896] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler was not found fabric-screen-api-v1.mixins.json:MouseMixin from mod fabric_screen_api_v1 [09May2024 11:33:22.898] [main/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/gui/screens/Screen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER [09May2024 11:33:22.899] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/client/gui/screens/Screen (java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/gui/screens/Screen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER) [09May2024 11:33:22.899] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen was not found fabric-screen-api-v1.mixins.json:ScreenAccessor from mod fabric_screen_api_v1 [09May2024 11:33:24.819] [main/INFO] [MixinExtras|Service/]: Initializing MixinExtras via com.llamalad7.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.5).
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    • Wow, thanks @scientistknight1 ! That was exactly it. The issue: I was extending BaseEntityBlock, which implements getRenderShape as invisible for some reason: public abstract class BaseEntityBlock extends Block implements EntityBlock { ... public RenderShape getRenderShape(BlockState p_49232_) { return RenderShape.INVISIBLE; } ... } Looking at the Implementation on Block, it calls BlockBehaviour, which returns RenderShape.MODEL. Overriding it on my Entity did the trick.   public class AutomataStartBlock extends BaseEntityBlock { ... @Override public RenderShape getRenderShape(BlockState p_49232_) { return RenderShape.MODEL; } ... } It now works. I wonder why why BaseEntityBlock returns INVISIBLE, though.
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