JacksStuff Posted April 11 Posted April 11 (edited) I'm somewhat of a beginner at forge and I'm trying to add custom recipe types to my mod. I've been trying to adapt the solution from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOFbegpYY0k and update it to 1.20.2 with the help of the forge docs without success. Does anyone know anything about creating such behaviour? Any help would be appreciated. My recipe is a simple recipe similar to the legacy smithing recipe, heres a JSON example (the "//" will be replaced with some items): { "type": "magic_overhaul:rune_inscribing", "base": { "item": "//base item" }, "template": { "item": "//template item" }, "output": { "count": 1, "item": "//output item" } } What I'm interested most is how to implement the RecipeSerializer and RecipeType classes within my Recipe class. Here's my current RecipeSerializer: Spoiler public static class Serializer implements RecipeSerializer<RuneInscribingRecipe> { private static final Codec<RuneInscribingRecipe> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( (builder) -> builder.group( Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("template").forGetter(RuneInscribingRecipe::getTemplate), Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("base").forGetter(RuneInscribingRecipe::getBase), ItemStack.CODEC.fieldOf("output").forGetter((RuneInscribingRecipe recipe) -> recipe.output) ).apply(builder, RuneInscribingRecipe::new)); public Serializer() { } @Override public Codec<RuneInscribingRecipe> codec() { return CODEC; } @Override public @Nullable RuneInscribingRecipe fromNetwork(FriendlyByteBuf friendlyByteBuf) { Ingredient base = Ingredient.fromNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); Ingredient template = Ingredient.fromNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); ItemStack output = friendlyByteBuf.readItem(); return new RuneInscribingRecipe(base, template, output); } @Override public void toNetwork(FriendlyByteBuf friendlyByteBuf, RuneInscribingRecipe runeInscribingRecipe) { runeInscribingRecipe.base.toNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); runeInscribingRecipe.template.toNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); friendlyByteBuf.writeItemStack(runeInscribingRecipe.output, false); } } Here's the RecipeType: Spoiler public static class Type implements RecipeType<RuneInscribingRecipe> { @Override public String toString() { return MagicOverhaul.MOD_ID + ":rune_inscribing"; } } Please comment if you need any more code fragments. Edited April 11 by JacksStuff Quote
dee12452 Posted April 12 Posted April 12 I don't spot anything obvious. Can you post the code where you register the serializer? Quote
JacksStuff Posted April 12 Author Posted April 12 1 hour ago, dee12452 said: I don't spot anything obvious. Can you post the code where you register the serializer? public class ModRecipes { public static final DeferredRegister<RecipeSerializer<?>> SERIALIZERS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.RECIPE_SERIALIZERS, MagicOverhaul.MOD_ID); public static final RegistryObject<RecipeSerializer<RuneInscribingRecipe>> RUNE_INSCRIBING_SERIALIZER = SERIALIZERS.register("rune_inscribing", () -> new RuneInscribingRecipe.Serializer()); public static void register(IEventBus eventBus){ SERIALIZERS.register(eventBus); } } Quote
dee12452 Posted April 12 Posted April 12 Yeah this looks good, alright post all of `RuneInscribingRecipe` Quote
JacksStuff Posted April 12 Author Posted April 12 29 minutes ago, dee12452 said: Yeah this looks good, alright post all of `RuneInscribingRecipe` Spoiler public class RuneInscribingRecipe implements Recipe<SimpleContainer> { private final Ingredient base; private final Ingredient template; private final ItemStack output; public RuneInscribingRecipe(Ingredient base, Ingredient template, ItemStack output) { this.base = base; this.template = template; this.output = output; } @Override public boolean matches(SimpleContainer simpleContainer, Level level) { if (level.isClientSide()) { return false; } return base.test(simpleContainer.getItem(RuneInscriberMenu.BASE_INPUT_SLOT)) && template.test(simpleContainer.getItem(RuneInscriberMenu.TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); } @Override public ItemStack assemble(SimpleContainer simpleContainer, RegistryAccess registryAccess) { return output.copy(); } @Override public boolean canCraftInDimensions(int i, int i1) { return true; } @Override public ItemStack getResultItem(RegistryAccess registryAccess) { return output.copy(); } @Override public RecipeSerializer<?> getSerializer() { return ModRecipes.RUNE_INSCRIBING_SERIALIZER.get(); } public Ingredient getTemplate() { return this.template; } public Ingredient getBase() { return this.base; } @Override public RecipeType<?> getType() { return new Type(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } public static class Type implements RecipeType<RuneInscribingRecipe> { @Override public String toString() { return MagicOverhaul.MOD_ID + ":rune_inscribing"; } } public static class Serializer implements RecipeSerializer<RuneInscribingRecipe> { private static final Codec<RuneInscribingRecipe> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( (builder) -> builder.group( Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("template").forGetter(RuneInscribingRecipe::getTemplate), Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("base").forGetter(RuneInscribingRecipe::getBase), ItemStack.CODEC.fieldOf("output").forGetter((RuneInscribingRecipe recipe) -> recipe.output) ).apply(builder, RuneInscribingRecipe::new)); public Serializer() { } @Override public Codec<RuneInscribingRecipe> codec() { return CODEC; } @Override public @Nullable RuneInscribingRecipe fromNetwork(FriendlyByteBuf friendlyByteBuf) { Ingredient base = Ingredient.fromNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); Ingredient template = Ingredient.fromNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); ItemStack output = friendlyByteBuf.readItem(); return new RuneInscribingRecipe(base, template, output); } @Override public void toNetwork(FriendlyByteBuf friendlyByteBuf, RuneInscribingRecipe runeInscribingRecipe) { runeInscribingRecipe.base.toNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); runeInscribingRecipe.template.toNetwork(friendlyByteBuf); friendlyByteBuf.writeItemStack(runeInscribingRecipe.output, false); } } } Quote
dee12452 Posted April 13 Posted April 13 There's a couple of discrepancies between my 1.20.2 implementation that's working and yours here but nothing I'd imagine is directly causing an issue. What's the exact problem that's happening? Is there a crash? Are you using a custom crafting menu you made from scratch (i.e. a new class that likely extends AbstractContainerMenu + a screen to go along with it)? Quote
JacksStuff Posted April 13 Author Posted April 13 (edited) 6 hours ago, dee12452 said: There's a couple of discrepancies between my 1.20.2 implementation that's working and yours here but nothing I'd imagine is directly causing an issue. What's the exact problem that's happening? Is there a crash? Are you using a custom crafting menu you made from scratch (i.e. a new class that likely extends AbstractContainerMenu + a screen to go along with it)? 1.The game doesn't crash, everything seems normal, but when i insert the designated items into the block entity, the result item does not show up. 2.Yes, I'm using a custom menu, here's the source code: Spoiler public class RuneInscriberMenu extends AbstractContainerMenu { private final RuneInscriberBlockEntity blockEntity; private final ContainerLevelAccess levelAccess; private final ItemStackHandler inventory; public static final int BASE_INPUT_SLOT = 0; public static final int TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT = 1; public static final int OUTPUT_SLOT = 2; private ArrayList<ItemStack> stored = new ArrayList<>(); //Client Constructor public RuneInscriberMenu(int pContainerId, Inventory inv, FriendlyByteBuf extraData) { this(pContainerId, inv, inv.player.level().getBlockEntity(extraData.readBlockPos())); } //Server Constructor public RuneInscriberMenu(int pContainerId, Inventory inv, BlockEntity entity) { super(ModMenuTypes.RUNE_INSCRIBER_MENU.get(), pContainerId); if (entity instanceof RuneInscriberBlockEntity be) { this.blockEntity = be; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect block entity class (%s) passed into RuneInscriberMenu".formatted(entity.getClass().getCanonicalName())); } this.levelAccess = ContainerLevelAccess.create(blockEntity.getLevel(), blockEntity.getBlockPos()); this.inventory = blockEntity.getInventory(); createPlayerHotbar(inv); createPlayerInventory(inv); createBlockEntityInventory(blockEntity); } @Override public ItemStack quickMoveStack(Player playerIn, int pIndex) { Slot fromSlot = getSlot(pIndex); ItemStack fromStack = fromSlot.getItem(); if(fromStack.getCount() <= 0) fromSlot.set(ItemStack.EMPTY); if(!fromSlot.hasItem()) return ItemStack.EMPTY; ItemStack copyFromStack = fromStack.copy(); if(pIndex < 36) { // We are inside of the player's playerInventory if(!moveItemStackTo(fromStack, 36, 37, false)) return ItemStack.EMPTY; } else if (pIndex < 63) { // We are inside of the block entity playerInventory if(!moveItemStackTo(fromStack, 0, 36, false)) return ItemStack.EMPTY; } else { System.err.println("Invalid slot index: " + pIndex); return ItemStack.EMPTY; } fromSlot.setChanged(); fromSlot.onTake(playerIn, fromStack); return copyFromStack; } private boolean isEmpty() { return inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT).isEmpty() && inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT).isEmpty() && inventory.getStackInSlot(OUTPUT_SLOT).isEmpty(); } private boolean isCrafted = false; @Override public boolean stillValid(Player player) { return stillValid(this.levelAccess, player, ModBlocks.RUNE_INSCRIBER.get()); } public RuneInscriberBlockEntity getBlockEntity() { return blockEntity; } private boolean hasRecipe() { Optional<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> recipe = getCurrentRecipe(); if (recipe.isEmpty()) { return false; } return !isEmpty() && recipe.get().value().getBase().test(inventory.getStackInSlot(RuneInscriberMenu.BASE_INPUT_SLOT)) && recipe.get().value().getTemplate().test(inventory.getStackInSlot(RuneInscriberMenu.TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); } private void suggestCraft() { if (!hasRecipe()) { clearOutput(); return; } Optional<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> recipe = getCurrentRecipe(); ItemStack result = recipe.get().value().getResultItem(this.blockEntity.getLevel().registryAccess()); blockEntity.getInventory().setStackInSlot(OUTPUT_SLOT, result); } private void craft() { Optional<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> recipe = getCurrentRecipe(); blockEntity.getInventory().setStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT, new ItemStack(Items.AIR)); isCrafted = true; } //Clears the output item from the block entity inventory private void clearOutput() { ItemStack stack = inventory.getStackInSlot(OUTPUT_SLOT); stack.shrink(1); inventory.setStackInSlot(OUTPUT_SLOT, stack); } @Override public void removed(Player pPlayer) { clear(pPlayer, blockEntity.getInventory().getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); clear(pPlayer, blockEntity.getInventory().getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); isEmpty(); if (isCrafted) { clear(pPlayer, blockEntity.getInventory().getStackInSlot(OUTPUT_SLOT)); } clearOutput(); super.removed(pPlayer); } //Clears the item from the block entity inventory private void clear(Player pPlayer, ItemStack stack) { if (pPlayer instanceof ServerPlayer) { if (!stack.isEmpty()) { if (pPlayer.isAlive() && !((ServerPlayer) pPlayer).hasDisconnected()) { pPlayer.getInventory().placeItemBackInInventory(stack); } else { pPlayer.drop(stack, false); } stored.clear(); } } } private Optional<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> getCurrentRecipe() { SimpleContainer inventory = new SimpleContainer(2); inventory.setItem(BASE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); inventory.setItem(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); List<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> list = this.blockEntity.getLevel().getRecipeManager().getRecipesFor(new RuneInscribingRecipe.Type(), inventory, this.blockEntity.getLevel()); if (list.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(list.get(0)); } private void createBlockEntityInventory(RuneInscriberBlockEntity be) { be.getOptional().ifPresent(inventory -> { this.addSlot(new SlotItemHandler(inventory, BASE_INPUT_SLOT, 26, 35) { @Override public void setChanged() { if (getItem().is(Tags.Items.STONE)) { suggestCraft(); } else { clearOutput(); } super.setChanged(); } @Override public boolean mayPlace(@NotNull ItemStack stack) { return stack.is(Tags.Items.STONE); } @Override public int getMaxStackSize() { return 1; } @Override public int getMaxStackSize(@NotNull ItemStack stack) { return 1; } }); this.addSlot(new SlotItemHandler(inventory, TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT, 80, 35) { @Override public void setChanged() { suggestCraft(); super.setChanged(); } @Override public boolean mayPlace(@NotNull ItemStack stack) { return stack.is(ModTags.Items.RUNE_TEMPLATES); } @Override public int getMaxStackSize() { return 1; } @Override public int getMaxStackSize(@NotNull ItemStack stack) { return 1; } }); this.addSlot(new RuneOutputSlot(inventory, OUTPUT_SLOT, 133, 35)); }); } private void createPlayerInventory (Inventory playerInventory) { for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < 9; column++) { this.addSlot(new Slot(playerInventory, 9 + column + row * 9, 8 + column * 18, 84 + row * 18)); } } } private void createPlayerHotbar (Inventory playerInventory) { for (int column = 0; column < 9; column++) { this.addSlot(new Slot(playerInventory, column, 8 + column * 18, 142)); } } public class RuneOutputSlot extends SlotItemHandler { public RuneOutputSlot(IItemHandler itemHandler, int index, int xPosition, int yPosition) { super(itemHandler, index, xPosition, yPosition); } @Override public void setChanged() { if (this.hasItem()) craft(); super.setChanged(); } @Override public void onTake(Player pPlayer, ItemStack pStack) { super.onTake(pPlayer, pStack); } @Override public boolean mayPlace(@NotNull ItemStack stack) { return false; } } } Edited April 13 by JacksStuff Quote
dee12452 Posted April 13 Posted April 13 (edited) Ok yeah I think this might be where the problem starts. For starters, I think you can get rid of your RecipeType impl and make it a static constant instead. I'm not 100% sure this will fix it but it's posssible. RuneInscribingRecipe public class RuneInscribingRecipe implements Recipe<SimpleContainer> { public static final RecipeType<RuneInscribingRecipe> RECIPE_TYPE = new RecipeType<>(){}; // .... @Override public RecipeType<?> getType() { return RECIPE_TYPE; } // .... } RuneInscriberMenu private Optional<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> getCurrentRecipe() { SimpleContainer inventory = new SimpleContainer(2); inventory.setItem(BASE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); inventory.setItem(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); List<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> list = this.blockEntity.getLevel().getRecipeManager().getRecipesFor(RuneInscribingRecipe.RECIPE_TYPE, inventory, this.blockEntity.getLevel()); if (list.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(list.get(0)); } Also, this here is a little suspicious where you're getting the `this.inventory.getStackInSlot` calls. I'd try and make sure those are what you expect they are with either a Debug line in IDE or print statement SimpleContainer inventory = new SimpleContainer(2); inventory.setItem(BASE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); System.out.printf("CHECKING BASE INPUT OF RECIPE: %s\n", this.inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); inventory.setItem(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); System.out.printf("CHECKING TEMPLATE INPUT OF RECIPE: %s\n", this.inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); ^ See what the result of those print statements are, make sure they're right Edited April 13 by dee12452 Remove potential false info Quote
JacksStuff Posted April 13 Author Posted April 13 2 hours ago, dee12452 said: Ok yeah I think this might be where the problem starts. For starters, I think you can get rid of your RecipeType impl and make it a static constant instead. I'm not 100% sure this will fix it but it's posssible. RuneInscribingRecipe public class RuneInscribingRecipe implements Recipe<SimpleContainer> { public static final RecipeType<RuneInscribingRecipe> RECIPE_TYPE = new RecipeType<>(){}; // .... @Override public RecipeType<?> getType() { return RECIPE_TYPE; } // .... } RuneInscriberMenu private Optional<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> getCurrentRecipe() { SimpleContainer inventory = new SimpleContainer(2); inventory.setItem(BASE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); inventory.setItem(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); List<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> list = this.blockEntity.getLevel().getRecipeManager().getRecipesFor(RuneInscribingRecipe.RECIPE_TYPE, inventory, this.blockEntity.getLevel()); if (list.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(list.get(0)); } Also, this here is a little suspicious where you're getting the `this.inventory.getStackInSlot` calls. I'd try and make sure those are what you expect they are with either a Debug line in IDE or print statement SimpleContainer inventory = new SimpleContainer(2); inventory.setItem(BASE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); System.out.printf("CHECKING BASE INPUT OF RECIPE: %s\n", this.inventory.getStackInSlot(BASE_INPUT_SLOT)); inventory.setItem(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT, this.inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); System.out.printf("CHECKING TEMPLATE INPUT OF RECIPE: %s\n", this.inventory.getStackInSlot(TEMPLATE_INPUT_SLOT)); ^ See what the result of those print statements are, make sure they're right Thanks for the suggestions, but nothing seemed to change after applying them. Also the "this.inventory.getStackInSlot" thing prints the correct items. Quote
dee12452 Posted April 13 Posted April 13 Hm yeah sorry, not seeing anything else that's sticking out, I'd need to debug myself probably. Do you have a github or bitbucket repo? I could poke around when I have time to see what the problem might be. Quote
JacksStuff Posted April 13 Author Posted April 13 2 hours ago, dee12452 said: Hm yeah sorry, not seeing anything else that's sticking out, I'd need to debug myself probably. Do you have a github or bitbucket repo? I could poke around when I have time to see what the problem might be. Here's my github repo https://github.com/JacksStuff0905/magic-overhaul-1.20.X, maybe you might find something. Either way thanks a lot for all the help. Quote
dee12452 Posted April 13 Posted April 13 Sure, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful so far. Does this always return empty? List<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> list = this.blockEntity.getLevel().getRecipeManager().getRecipesFor(RuneInscribingRecipe.RECIPE_TYPE, inventory, this.blockEntity.getLevel()); Quote
JacksStuff Posted April 13 Author Posted April 13 10 minutes ago, dee12452 said: Sure, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful so far. Does this always return empty? List<RecipeHolder<RuneInscribingRecipe>> list = this.blockEntity.getLevel().getRecipeManager().getRecipesFor(RuneInscribingRecipe.RECIPE_TYPE, inventory, this.blockEntity.getLevel()); Yeah, always an empty list, I checked multiple times. Quote
dee12452 Posted April 13 Posted April 13 { "type": "magic_overhaul:rune_inscribing", "base": { "item": "//base item" }, "template": { "item": "//template item" }, "output": { "count": 1, "item": "//output item" } } ^ Ok, where is your recipe JSON placed in your file structure? What's it called? And paste the actual JSON you're testing with, because it needs to be valid. Quote
JacksStuff Posted April 14 Author Posted April 14 14 hours ago, dee12452 said: { "type": "magic_overhaul:rune_inscribing", "base": { "item": "//base item" }, "template": { "item": "//template item" }, "output": { "count": 1, "item": "//output item" } } ^ Ok, where is your recipe JSON placed in your file structure? What's it called? And paste the actual JSON you're testing with, because it needs to be valid. I accidentally forgot to push the recent changes, so all the stuff about the recipes is missing from github. Just fixed that. The JSON is located in the data/magic_overhaul/recipes folder and looks like this: { "type": "magic_overhaul:rune_inscribing", "base": { "item": "minecraft:stone" }, "template": { "item": "magic_overhaul:rune_template_acnar" }, "output": { "count": 1, "item": "magic_overhaul:rune_acnar" } } Quote
chxr Posted April 14 Posted April 14 Im running on a similar problem. Codecs are hurting my head more than they should Quote
dee12452 Posted April 15 Posted April 15 @JacksStuff looks like at least one of your problems is your recipe JSON. ItemStack's CODEC isn't defined the way you're thinking it is. Try this instead { "type": "magic_overhaul:rune_inscribing", "base": { "item": "minecraft:stone" }, "template": { "item": "magic_overhaul:rune_template_acnar" }, "output": { "Count": 1, "id": "magic_overhaul:rune_acnar" } } Quote
dee12452 Posted April 15 Posted April 15 16 hours ago, chxr said: Im running on a similar problem. Codecs are hurting my head more than they should Yeah CODECs are super funky the first time you start working with them, I definitely had a few woes in the beginning when moving to 1.20.2. What's the JSON structure of your recipe? I'm sure either I or ChatGPT can whip you up a CODEC for it pretty quickly lol. Quote
chxr Posted April 15 Posted April 15 2 hours ago, dee12452 said: Yeah CODECs are super funky the first time you start working with them, I definitely had a few woes in the beginning when moving to 1.20.2. What's the JSON structure of your recipe? I'm sure either I or ChatGPT can whip you up a CODEC for it pretty quickly lol. Funny enough, Chatgpt is confusing me even more. My BE works like a furnace, you need 8 items and two fuel to make a third item. Here is an example recipe. In this case, 8 aberrant shards, each one in one slot, and two of aberrant fuel, each one on one slot for a total of 10 slots. Supposedly any block with the tag aberrant_fuel should be accepted but im not sure this is how the json should look: { "type": "relativedimensions:particle_rebound", "inputItem": [ { "item": "relativedimensions:aberrant_shard" } ], "fuelItem": [ { "tag": "relativedimensions:block/aberrant_fuel" } ], "output": { "Count": 1, "id": "relativedimensions:aberrant_ingot" } } Quote
dee12452 Posted April 15 Posted April 15 @chxr Looks like you're making some sort of a crafting table / furnace hybrid? Are the inputs needing arranging like a shaped recipe, or is it shapeless? I'll assume it's shapeless since that just adds a lot more complexity. In that case I'd probably do something like this { "type": "relativedimensions:particle_rebound", "inputs": [ { "ingredient": { "item": "relativedimensions:aberrant_shard" }, "count": 8 } ], "fuel": { "tag": "relativedimensions:block/aberrant_fuel" }, "output": { "Count": 1, "id": "relativedimensions:aberrant_ingot" } } inputs: A list of ingredients and how many are needed. The count among each input adds up to 8. Since there's only 1 ingredient, the count is set to 8. fuel: Same thing as before but remove the list and just make it an object with a tag. output: Kept the same. In this case the Codec I would make is public record ParticleReboundIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, int count) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundIngredient> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("ingredient").forGetter((i) -> i.ingredient), Codec.INT.fieldOf("count").forGetter(i -> i.count) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundIngredient::new) ); } public record ParticleReboundFuel(String tag) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundFuel> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group(Codec.STRING.fieldOf("tag").forGetter(f -> f.tag)).apply(builder, ParticleReboundFuel::new) ); public boolean isFuel(ItemStack stack) { // TODO: Check if fuel item matches the tag } } public record ParticleReboundRecipe(List<ParticleReboundIngredient> inputs, ParticleReboundFuel fuel, ItemStack output) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundRecipe> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( ParticleReboundIngredient.CODEC.listOf().fieldOf("inputs").forGetter(r -> r.inputs), ParticleReboundFuel.CODEC.fieldOf("fuel").forGetter(r -> r.fuel), ItemStack.CODEC.fieldOf("output").forGetter(r -> r.output) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundRecipe::new) ); } There might be a more proper Codec for the fuel and the tag that's built into minecraft / forge, but I didn't look Quote
chxr Posted April 15 Posted April 15 (edited) 3 hours ago, dee12452 said: @chxr Looks like you're making some sort of a crafting table / furnace hybrid? Are the inputs needing arranging like a shaped recipe, or is it shapeless? I'll assume it's shapeless since that just adds a lot more complexity. In that case I'd probably do something like this { "type": "relativedimensions:particle_rebound", "inputs": [ { "ingredient": { "item": "relativedimensions:aberrant_shard" }, "count": 8 } ], "fuel": { "tag": "relativedimensions:block/aberrant_fuel" }, "output": { "Count": 1, "id": "relativedimensions:aberrant_ingot" } } inputs: A list of ingredients and how many are needed. The count among each input adds up to 8. Since there's only 1 ingredient, the count is set to 8. fuel: Same thing as before but remove the list and just make it an object with a tag. output: Kept the same. In this case the Codec I would make is public record ParticleReboundIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, int count) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundIngredient> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("ingredient").forGetter((i) -> i.ingredient), Codec.INT.fieldOf("count").forGetter(i -> i.count) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundIngredient::new) ); } public record ParticleReboundFuel(String tag) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundFuel> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group(Codec.STRING.fieldOf("tag").forGetter(f -> f.tag)).apply(builder, ParticleReboundFuel::new) ); public boolean isFuel(ItemStack stack) { // TODO: Check if fuel item matches the tag } } public record ParticleReboundRecipe(List<ParticleReboundIngredient> inputs, ParticleReboundFuel fuel, ItemStack output) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundRecipe> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( ParticleReboundIngredient.CODEC.listOf().fieldOf("inputs").forGetter(r -> r.inputs), ParticleReboundFuel.CODEC.fieldOf("fuel").forGetter(r -> r.fuel), ItemStack.CODEC.fieldOf("output").forGetter(r -> r.output) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundRecipe::new) ); } There might be a more proper Codec for the fuel and the tag that's built into minecraft / forge, but I didn't look Pretty much, although all the recipes im planning to make on it are shapeless. The idea is that the chamber uses energy to "fuse" the items in each of the center slots together, in this case an ingot. The two slots at the sides are fuel. (A special kind of wood in this case). Here is an image of the interface just for reference (The center slot is the output) As for the code- Can you elaborate a little bit on it? Seeing three different record classes has confused me a lot. (Elaborate as in why make them in three different records. I understand the code itself more or less) Edited April 15 by chxr Quote
dee12452 Posted April 15 Posted April 15 35 minutes ago, chxr said: Pretty much, although all the recipes im planning to make on it are shapeless. The idea is that the chamber uses energy to "fuse" the items in each of the center slots together, in this case an ingot. The two slots at the sides are fuel. (A special kind of wood in this case). Here is an image of the interface just for reference (The center slot is the output) As for the code- Can you elaborate a little bit on it? Seeing three different record classes has confused me a lot. (Elaborate as in why make them in three different records. I understand the code itself more or less) That looks pretty cool, nice! Sure, so looking at that JSON file I posted, I pretty much made a record class for each "custom" data type in that JSON. The Input is a good example of why ``` "inputs": [ { "ingredient": { "item": "relativedimensions:aberrant_shard" }, "count": 8 } ], ``` So here's the inputs, it's an array, which we can use the Codec builder's builder.listOf to define an array. Each Item is of some arbitrary object with keys "ingredient" (which we know is an Ingredient) and a "count" which is an int. You don't have to have an intermediate class to map this to necessarily but I found that it's just easier to see the data that way, hence the 'ParticleReboundIngredient' represents one of these inputs. Let me know if that makes sense or not. Quote
chxr Posted April 15 Posted April 15 33 minutes ago, dee12452 said: That looks pretty cool, nice! Sure, so looking at that JSON file I posted, I pretty much made a record class for each "custom" data type in that JSON. The Input is a good example of why ``` "inputs": [ { "ingredient": { "item": "relativedimensions:aberrant_shard" }, "count": 8 } ], ``` So here's the inputs, it's an array, which we can use the Codec builder's builder.listOf to define an array. Each Item is of some arbitrary object with keys "ingredient" (which we know is an Ingredient) and a "count" which is an int. You don't have to have an intermediate class to map this to necessarily but I found that it's just easier to see the data that way, hence the 'ParticleReboundIngredient' represents one of these inputs. Let me know if that makes sense or not. It does but I'm struggling to see how to make it work in my recipe? (Its structure is the same as OP's, with a serializer subclass) Quote
dee12452 Posted April 16 Posted April 16 public class ParticleReboundRecipe implements Recipe<CraftingContainer> { private List<ParticleReboundIngredient> inputs; private ParticleReboundFuel fuel; private ItemStack output; public ParticleReboundRecipe(List<ParticleReboundIngredient> inputs, ParticleReboundFuel fuel, ItemStack output) { this.inputs = inputs; this.fuel = fuel; this.output = output; } // TODO: Implement interface ... // TODO: Move to separate file if desired public record ParticleReboundIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, int count) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundIngredient> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("ingredient").forGetter((i) -> i.ingredient), Codec.INT.fieldOf("count").forGetter(i -> i.count) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundIngredient::new) ); } // TODO: Move to separate file if desired public record ParticleReboundFuel(String tag) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundFuel> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group(Codec.STRING.fieldOf("tag").forGetter(f -> f.tag)).apply(builder, ParticleReboundFuel::new) ); public boolean isFuel(ItemStack stack) { // TODO: Check if fuel item matches the tag } } public class Serializer implements RecipeSerializer<ParticleReboundRecipe> { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundRecipe> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( ParticleReboundIngredient.CODEC.listOf().fieldOf("inputs").forGetter(r -> r.inputs), ParticleReboundFuel.CODEC.fieldOf("fuel").forGetter(r -> r.fuel), ItemStack.CODEC.fieldOf("output").forGetter(r -> r.output) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundRecipe::new) ); @Override public @NotNull Codec<ParticleReboundRecipe> codec() { return CODEC; } // TODO: The rest ... } } ? Quote
chxr Posted April 16 Posted April 16 14 hours ago, dee12452 said: public class ParticleReboundRecipe implements Recipe<CraftingContainer> { private List<ParticleReboundIngredient> inputs; private ParticleReboundFuel fuel; private ItemStack output; public ParticleReboundRecipe(List<ParticleReboundIngredient> inputs, ParticleReboundFuel fuel, ItemStack output) { this.inputs = inputs; this.fuel = fuel; this.output = output; } // TODO: Implement interface ... // TODO: Move to separate file if desired public record ParticleReboundIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, int count) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundIngredient> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( Ingredient.CODEC.fieldOf("ingredient").forGetter((i) -> i.ingredient), Codec.INT.fieldOf("count").forGetter(i -> i.count) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundIngredient::new) ); } // TODO: Move to separate file if desired public record ParticleReboundFuel(String tag) { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundFuel> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group(Codec.STRING.fieldOf("tag").forGetter(f -> f.tag)).apply(builder, ParticleReboundFuel::new) ); public boolean isFuel(ItemStack stack) { // TODO: Check if fuel item matches the tag } } public class Serializer implements RecipeSerializer<ParticleReboundRecipe> { public static final Codec<ParticleReboundRecipe> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create( builder -> builder.group( ParticleReboundIngredient.CODEC.listOf().fieldOf("inputs").forGetter(r -> r.inputs), ParticleReboundFuel.CODEC.fieldOf("fuel").forGetter(r -> r.fuel), ItemStack.CODEC.fieldOf("output").forGetter(r -> r.output) ).apply(builder, ParticleReboundRecipe::new) ); @Override public @NotNull Codec<ParticleReboundRecipe> codec() { return CODEC; } // TODO: The rest ... } } ? Yeah sorry i just managed to make it now, i shouldn't have tried to make it work in my head yesterday late at night. It correctly is recognizing the recipe. Im running on some other errors but they are now due to my recipe's inner workings and not the game not recognizing the recipe itself Quote
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