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I am having an issue with my minecraft forge client for my minecraft forge modpack that I created. The thing is- my hand is transparent ALWAYS, and the items that I hold in my hand are also transparent. There seems to be no error in the startup that would lead to such. I have a server which this modpack is hosted on and I got my friend to join, and he didn't have the issue. We were using the same downloads of the client, and to make sure we both redownloaded it several times. I was wondering what might have caused this? Below is a list of the mods that I am using, and attached are some pictures to show what this transparency looks like.



Minecraft Coder Pack

Forge Mod Loader

Minecraft Forge

AppliedEnergistics Core

CodeChicken Core

Not Enough Items

Tinkers Corestruct

Damage Indicators

CoFH Core

Forge Multipart


Thermal Expansion

IndustrialCraft 2

Immibis Core

Advanced Machines


Ars Magica 2

Applied Energistics

Atomic Science


Cyano's Basic Machines for BuildCraft

Dimensional Anchors

Ender IO

Forestry for Minecraft

Forestry Extras


MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits


Steve's Carts 2

Tinkers' Construct

TConstruct Compat: AE

TConstruct Compat: FMP

TConstruct Compat: Waila

Thaumcraft 4

The Twilight Forest

Minecraft Multipart Plugin

Basic Components

Forge Microblocks


Thank you for your time and effort!


There is not much we can do to track down odd bugs like this.

Your best option is to track it down yourself.

Try taking out mods from your mod pack until it stops happening then re adding one by one until you can track down which mod is doing it. And then report it to that mod author.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


There is not much we can do to track down odd bugs like this.

Your best option is to track it down yourself.

Try taking out mods from your mod pack until it stops happening then re adding one by one until you can track down which mod is doing it. And then report it to that mod author.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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