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I have a very strange issue, I wonder if anyone knows whether it's a bug in Forge or MC. Basically I have a custom chest which extends (block and TE) the normal one. In the block I declare this:



public TileEntity createTileEntity(World world, int metadata) {

return new TileEntityMillChest();



When the blocks are created, on the client a TileEntityMillChest is created. On the server side however it's a generic TileEntitChest. This log shows it:


2012-08-23 18:06:50 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] CLIENT TEMP: net.minecraft.src.WorldServer@aad33f6: Checking TE at 94/68/276: net.minecraft.src.TileEntityChest@8f706d5

2012-08-23 18:06:50 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] CLIENT TEMP: net.minecraft.src.WorldServer@aad33f6: Block id: 1515

2012-08-23 18:06:50 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] CLIENT TEMP: net.minecraft.src.WorldClient@18101044: Checking TE at 94/68/276: org.millenaire.common.TileEntityMillChest@4b7ac3e5

2012-08-23 18:06:50 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] CLIENT TEMP: net.minecraft.src.WorldClient@18101044: Block id: 1515


Any idea what could cause this?


Seems to me that whatever you're using server side to spawn the tile entity is doing it wrong. Sure you dont have any world.isRemote issues lieing about?

Maybe toss something down in the TileEntityChest space for your block address and seeing how its called.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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