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LegacySourceAccess sporadic crash

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Hello everyone.  I need help.  I'm relatively new to modding Minecraft and can't make heads-or-tails of the crash-logs.  I have both the actual crash report and the "latest" log file to look at.

This only began happening recently, and I cannot figure out exactly what the cause is.  Some sources I've had look at it have said perhaps it's Cupboard.  Others have said it may be related to the Forgified API and "Connections", but I've attempted break-down with removing both of those and still have gotten the crashes.

Regardless, I am uncertain what to do.  Admittedly I don't want to get rid of Cupboard, as I have several additional QOL mods that depend on it.  Also, I would like to know if there's an Embeddium-friendly version of Entity Texture Features, as apparently my version seems to have issue with it?  According to an Embeddium post near the top of the crash log.

The files are enclosed below.  Thank you in advance. - TheMegaNerd



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15 minutes ago, TileEntity said:

Does it work without the mod cupboard?

I can attempt a run of it tonight without cupboard, but man, that means I also have to remove about five other mods. I'll give it a run and see what happens.  Whether it still crashes or not, I'll post my results.

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