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[1.7.2][Forge]Lang file problem, onCrafting player event problem

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I'm having problems with two things in Forge 1.7.2.


First, the usual way to add names was completely scrapped, so we are forced to use the lang file. I created my lang file according to this tutorial http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Localizing

And pasted it to src/main/resources/assets/mymodid/lang/en_US.lang

but I still cannot see the names (textures in src/main/resources/assets/mymodid/textures work fine though).

Any advice where should it be located or where might be the problem? The coding of the file is set to UTF-8.


Second, I used custom CraftingHandler for adding achievement when player crafted certain item. This was scrapped too, insted we should use Forge event bus.


Now I have instance of my crafting handler


private static CraftingHandler craftHandler = new CraftingHandler();


and in preInit method, I have




and here is the crafting handler class


public class CraftingHandler
     * Adds Coffee achievement after crafting mug of coffee
    public void onCrafting(ItemCraftedEvent event)
     System.out.println("event launched");
     if (event.crafting.getItem() == CocoaCraft.mugCoffee)
                event.player.addStat(CocoaCraft.coffeeAchievement, 1);


Yet I don't get the achievement, nor see "event launched" in console.


Any help would be appreciated :)

Sorry for mistakes, English is not my mother tongue


Oh sorry, I mistakenly posted the declaration of Crafting handler twice, instead of the code in preInit. Anyway, main post corrected. So the code in preInit is this:



Sorry for mistakes, English is not my mother tongue


Thanks! Works fine now :) Btw. is there a list (or way to tell) which event is registered in which bus? I would specifically need events that were in connection handler.


Also, any help to the lang file, please?

Sorry for mistakes, English is not my mother tongue


You need to search where each event instance is created, and see to which event bus it is posted.


The lang file content is case-sensitive, make sure you use the exact unlocalized names.


Thanks for the tips for the events.


I still have problems with my lang file, though.


This is my lang file:

tile.CocoaLeaves.name=Cocoa Leaves
tile.CocoaWood.name=Cocoa Wood
tile.CocoaSapling.name=Cocoa Sapling
tile.Coffee.name=Coffee Plant

item.CoffeeSeeds.name=Coffee Seeds
item.RoastedCoffeeSeeds.name=Roasted Coffee Seeds


And here is part of my preInit method

mug = new ItemMug().setUnlocalizedName("Mug").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMisc);
mugMilk = new ItemMugMilk().setUnlocalizedName("MugMilk").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabFood);


Still, "item.Mug.name" appears in game instead of "Mug"

Sorry for mistakes, English is not my mother tongue

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