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Ok im gonna get right to it.


I have some worldgens(The Ice Castle and the Icicles)


and their generating wayy to rarely, the ice castle is never found and the icicles i come across every 5 minutes and the dungeon has been found only 3 times while flying through the dimension


Code in chunkprovider:


 * Populates chunk with ores etc etc
public void populate(IChunkProvider par1IChunkProvider, int par2, int par3)
	BiomeGenBase biome = worldObj.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomeGenAt(par2, par3);
	int i = par2 * 16;
	int j = par3 * 16;
	BlockSand.fallInstantly = true;
	BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(i + 16, j + 16);
	long l = (this.rand.nextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;
	long l1 = (this.rand.nextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;
	this.rand.setSeed((long)par2 * l + (long)par3 * l1 ^ this.worldObj.getSeed());
	boolean flag = false;
	int var6;
	int var7;
	int var8;
	int var9;
	int var10;

	for (var7 = 0; var7 < 6; ++var7)
		int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
		int r = rand.nextInt(128);
		int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);

		(new AC_GenDungeon()).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, e, r, b);

	if ((biome instanceof AC_BiomeFrostMountains)){

		for (int x = 0; x < 1; x++)
			int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
			int r = rand.nextInt(128);
			int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);
			(new AC_GenShip()).generate(worldObj, rand, e, r, b);       


	for (var7 = 0; var7 < 40; ++var7)
	   int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
	   int r = rand.nextInt(128);
	   int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);

	   (new AC_GenIceCastle()).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, e, r, b);

	if ((biome instanceof AC_BiomeFrostMountains) || (biome instanceof AC_BiomeFrostForest))
		var6 = this.rand.nextInt(this.rand.nextInt(14) + 1) + 1;

		for (var7 = 0; var7 < var6; var7++)
			var8 = i + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
			var9 = this.rand.nextInt(128);
			var10 = j + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;

			(new AC_GenArcaneStone1(mod_ArcticCraft.ArcaneStone.blockID, 16)).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var8, var9, var10);

		for (var7 = 0; var7 < var6; var7++)
			var8 = i + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
			var9 = this.rand.nextInt(128);
			var10 = j + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;

			(new AC_GenArcaneStone2(mod_ArcticCraft.ArcaneStone.blockID, 16)).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var8, var9, var10);

	for(int x = 0; x < 1; x++)
		int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
		int r = rand.nextInt(128);
		int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);
		(new AC_GenMinable(mod_ArcticCraft.TektiteOre.blockID, 7, 0)).generate(worldObj, rand, e, r, b);

	for(int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
		int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
		int r = rand.nextInt(128);
		int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);
		(new AC_GenMinable(mod_ArcticCraft.EscariaOre.blockID, 8, 0)).generate(worldObj, rand, e, r, b);

	for(int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
		int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
		int r = rand.nextInt(128);
		int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);
		(new AC_GenMinable(mod_ArcticCraft.GlaciansOre.blockID, 8, 0)).generate(worldObj, rand, e, r, b);

	for(int x = 0; x < 40; x++)
		int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
		int r = rand.nextInt(128);
		int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);
		(new AC_GenMinable(mod_ArcticCraft.FrigusOre.blockID, 20, 0)).generate(worldObj, rand, e, r, b);

	for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++)
		int e = i + rand.nextInt(16);
		int r = rand.nextInt(128);
		int b = j + rand.nextInt(16);
		(new AC_GenMinable(mod_ArcticCraft.RigentemOre.blockID, 8, 0)).generate(worldObj, rand, e, r, b);

	var6 = this.rand.nextInt(this.rand.nextInt(14) + 1) + 1;

	for (var7 = 0; var7 < var6; var7++)
		var8 = i + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
		var9 = this.rand.nextInt(128);
		var10 = j + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;

		(new AC_GenIcicle()).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var8, var9, var10);

	var6 = this.rand.nextInt(this.rand.nextInt(14) + 1) + 1;
	for (var7 = 0; var7 < var6; var7++)
		var8 = i + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
		var9 = this.rand.nextInt(128);
		var10 = j + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;

		(new AC_GenIcicle2()).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var8, var9, var10);

	var6 = this.rand.nextInt(this.rand.nextInt(14) + 1) + 1;
	for (var7 = 0; var7 < var6; var7++)
		var8 = i + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
		var9 = this.rand.nextInt(128);
		var10 = j + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;

		(new AC_GenIcicle3()).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var8, var9, var10);

	var6 = this.rand.nextInt(this.rand.nextInt(14) + 1) + 1;
	for (var7 = 0; var7 < var6; var7++)
		var8 = i + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
		var9 = this.rand.nextInt(128);
		var10 = j + this.rand.nextInt(16) + 8;

		(new AC_GenIcicle4()).generate(this.worldObj, this.rand, var8, var9, var10);

	biomegenbase.decorate(this.worldObj, this.rand, i, j);
	SpawnerAnimals.performWorldGenSpawning(this.worldObj, biomegenbase, i + 8, j + 8, 16, 16, this.rand);
	i += 8;
	j += 8;

	for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 16; k1++)
		for (int l2 = 0; l2 < 16; l2++)
			int l3 = this.worldObj.getPrecipitationHeight(i + k1, j + l2);

			if (this.worldObj.isBlockFreezable(k1 + i, l3 - 1, l2 + j))
				this.worldObj.setBlockWithNotify(k1 + i, l3 - 1, l2 + j, Block.ice.blockID);

			if (this.worldObj.canSnowAt(k1 + i, l3, l2 + j))
				this.worldObj.setBlockWithNotify(k1 + i, l3, l2 + j, Block.snow.blockID);

	BlockSand.fallInstantly = false;





package net.minecraft.src;

import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.src.forge.MinecraftForge;

public class AC_GenDungeon extends WorldGenerator
public boolean generate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4, int par5)
	byte var6 = 3;
	int var7 = par2Random.nextInt(2) + 2;
	int var8 = par2Random.nextInt(2) + 2;
	int var9 = 0;
	int var10;
	int var11;
	int var12;

	for (var10 = par3 - var7 - 1; var10 <= par3 + var7 + 1; ++var10)
		for (var11 = par4 - 1; var11 <= par4 + var6 + 1; ++var11)
			for (var12 = par5 - var8 - 1; var12 <= par5 + var8 + 1; ++var12)
				Material var13 = par1World.getBlockMaterial(var10, var11, var12);

				if (var11 == par4 - 1 && !var13.isSolid())
					return false;

				if (var11 == par4 + var6 + 1 && !var13.isSolid())
					return false;

				if ((var10 == par3 - var7 - 1 || var10 == par3 + var7 + 1 || var12 == par5 - var8 - 1 || var12 == par5 + var8 + 1) && var11 == par4 && par1World.isAirBlock(var10, var11, var12) && par1World.isAirBlock(var10, var11 + 1, var12))

	if (var9 >= 1 && var9 <= 5)
		for (var10 = par3 - var7 - 1; var10 <= par3 + var7 + 1; ++var10)
			for (var11 = par4 + var6; var11 >= par4 - 1; --var11)
				for (var12 = par5 - var8 - 1; var12 <= par5 + var8 + 1; ++var12)
					if (var10 != par3 - var7 - 1 && var11 != par4 - 1 && var12 != par5 - var8 - 1 && var10 != par3 + var7 + 1 && var11 != par4 + var6 + 1 && var12 != par5 + var8 + 1)
						par1World.setBlockWithNotify(var10, var11, var12, 0);
					else if (var11 >= 0 && !par1World.getBlockMaterial(var10, var11 - 1, var12).isSolid())
						par1World.setBlockWithNotify(var10, var11, var12, 0);
					else if (par1World.getBlockMaterial(var10, var11, var12).isSolid())
						if (var11 == par4 - 1 && par2Random.nextInt(4) != 0)
							par1World.setBlockWithNotify(var10, var11, var12, mod_ArcticCraft.FrostMossyCobble.blockID);
							par1World.setBlockWithNotify(var10, var11, var12, mod_ArcticCraft.FrostCobble.blockID);

		var10 = 0;

		while (var10 < 2)
			var11 = 0;

			while (true)
				if (var11 < 3)
					var12 = par3 + par2Random.nextInt(var7 * 2 + 1) - var7;
					int var14 = par5 + par2Random.nextInt(var8 * 2 + 1) - var8;

					if (par1World.isAirBlock(var12, par4, var14))
						int var15 = 0;

						if (par1World.getBlockMaterial(var12 - 1, par4, var14).isSolid())

						if (par1World.getBlockMaterial(var12 + 1, par4, var14).isSolid())

						if (par1World.getBlockMaterial(var12, par4, var14 - 1).isSolid())

						if (par1World.getBlockMaterial(var12, par4, var14 + 1).isSolid())

						if (var15 == 1)
							par1World.setBlockWithNotify(var12, par4, var14, Block.chest.blockID);
							TileEntityChest var16 = (TileEntityChest)par1World.getBlockTileEntity(var12, par4, var14);

							if (var16 != null)
								for (int var17 = 0; var17 < MinecraftForge.getDungeonLootTries(); ++var17)
									ItemStack var18 = MinecraftForge.getRandomDungeonLoot(par2Random);

									if (var18 != null)
										var16.setInventorySlotContents(par2Random.nextInt(var16.getSizeInventory()), var18);

							break label210;



		par1World.setBlockWithNotify(par3, par4, par5, Block.mobSpawner.blockID);
		TileEntityMobSpawner var19 = (TileEntityMobSpawner)par1World.getBlockTileEntity(par3, par4, par5);

		if (var19 != null)
			System.err.println("Failed to fetch mob spawner entity at (" + par3 + ", " + par4 + ", " + par5 + ")");

		return true;
		return false;

 * Picks potentially a random item to add to a dungeon chest.
private ItemStack pickCheckLootItem(Random par1Random)
	int var2 = par1Random.nextInt(11);

	return var2 == 0 ? new ItemStack(mod_ArcticCraft.cookedBoarMeat) : (var2 == 1 ? new ItemStack(mod_ArcticCraft.RigentemIngot, par1Random.nextInt(4) + 1)
	: (var2 == 2 ? new ItemStack(mod_ArcticCraft.GlacierFruit) : (var2 == 3 ? new ItemStack(mod_ArcticCraft.whiteBerrySeeds, par1Random.nextInt(4) + 1)
	: (var2 == 4 ? new ItemStack(Block.ice, par1Random.nextInt(4) + 1) : (var2 == 5 ? new ItemStack(Item.silk, par1Random.nextInt(4) + 1) :
		(var2 == 6 ? new ItemStack(Item.bucketEmpty) : (var2 == 7 && par1Random.nextInt(50) == 0 ? new ItemStack(Item.appleGold) :
			(var2 == 8 && par1Random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? new ItemStack(mod_ArcticCraft.FrigusGem, par1Random.nextInt(4) + 1)
			: (var2 == 9 && par1Random.nextInt(10) == 0 ? new ItemStack(Item.itemsList[item.record13.shiftedIndex + par1Random.nextInt(2)]) :
				(var2 == 11 && par1Random.nextInt(100) == 0 ? new ItemStack(mod_ArcticCraft.MysticalSnow) : null))))))))));

 * Randomly decides which spawner to use in a dungeon
private String pickMobSpawner(Random par1Random)
	int var2 = par1Random.nextInt(1);
	return var2 == 0 ? "IceCreeper" : "";



AC_GenIceCastle(I removed all the setBlock lines because theres sooo many)


package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;

public class AC_GenIceCastle extends WorldGenerator
protected int[] GetValidSpawnBlocks() {
	return new int[] {

public boolean LocationIsValidSpawn(World world, int i, int j, int k){
	int distanceToAir = 0;
	int checkID = world.getBlockId(i, j, k);

	while (checkID != 0){
		checkID = world.getBlockId(i, j + distanceToAir, k);

	if (distanceToAir > 0){
		return false;
	j += distanceToAir - 1;

	int blockID = world.getBlockId(i, j, k);
	int blockIDAbove = world.getBlockId(i, j+1, k);
	int blockIDBelow = world.getBlockId(i, j-1, k);
	for (int x : GetValidSpawnBlocks()){
		if (blockIDAbove != 0){
			return false;
		if (blockID == x){
			return true;
		}else if (blockID == Block.snow.blockID && blockIDBelow == x){
			return true;
	return false;

public AC_GenIceCastle() { }

public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {
	//check that each corner is one of the valid spawn blocks
	if(!LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i, j, k) || !LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i + 47, j, k) || !LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i + 47, j, k + 65) || !LocationIsValidSpawn(world, i, j, k + 65))
		return false;




AC_GenIcicle(all the icicle ones are the same exept they have more icicles coming off the bottom)



package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.src.forge.MinecraftForge;

public class AC_GenIcicle extends WorldGenerator
public AC_GenIcicle() { }

public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {

	if (!world.isAirBlock(i, j, k))
		return false;
	else if (world.getBlockId(i, j + 1, k) != mod_ArcticCraft.FrostStone.blockID)
		return false;

	int l = mod_ArcticCraft.Icicle.blockID;
	world.setBlockWithNotify(i, j, k, l);		
	return true;




Please Help!

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