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Hey, I'm back with another problem,


At first, thanks to everyone who was helping me in my previous question about how to come along with the "new" event system. However, I discovered another hurdle on my way to a new release. I set up a LivingHurtEvent and want to find out the distance between the player and the dead hurt entity, but for some reason Forge won't let me know if there's been an entity murdered hurted. Here the most important code snippets:


Main Mod Class:


public void onInit(FMLInitializationEvent event) {
	ForgeUtils.getForgeEventBus().register(new SkillCombatListener()); // registered at MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS


Death Handler:


public void onLivingHurt(LivingHurtEvent event) {
	if (event.entity instanceof EntityLiving && !(event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer)) {
		System.out.println(event.entity.getDistanceToEntity(ForgeUtils.getPlayer()) + " " + event.source.damageType);


I've tried to find typos in the code with some basic console logging but Forge doesn't even seem to call the LivingHurtEvent. Though LivingHurtEvent extends LivingEvent it doesn't seem to do anything. Am I just missing something or is this a bug?


Greets from Germany



Hello sep87x,


You are using the wrong event. To see al entityLiving events, go to the package called net.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.

To check if an entity has been murdered, you should use the LivingDeathEvent event. The LivingHurtEvent event only fires when an entity

is hurt, not killed. Also, make sure that the event only runs on the server side using;

if(event.entityPlayer.worldObj.isRemote) return;


Hope this helps you!


Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/CoderAce_


You are using the wrong event.


Oh, that's my fault. I misspelt something in my post. Of course I want the hurt event, not the kill event.


Also, you should note that the if-statement contains unnecessery code.


public void onLivingHurt(LivingHurtEvent event) {
	if (!(event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer)) {
		System.out.println(event.entity.getDistanceToEntity(ForgeUtils.getPlayer()) + " " + event.source.damageType);


I already expected that, but I was too lazy to change this. However, this wouldn't change anything in how the handler works. As I said in my first post, I've already tried some standard logging (like above) but it doesn't even send the output to the console. It should work and that's my main problem here.


I register my events using this code; MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ItemPickupHandler());

Maybe try that? It seems like it goes wrong at the registring part.


ForgeUtils.getForgeEventBus().register(new SkillCombatListener());


is basically just an alias for


MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new SkillCombatListener());


I wrote the ForgeUtils class for me so it's easier for me to get into the new 1.7.2 system. In the first place I wrote the class to distinguish the Forge event bus from the FML event bus because they're two things on their own ... soooo the typo can't be at this place.


Edit: I might just take a nap and make a new attempt tomorrow. I'll let you guys know whether your advice was helping me out or not.


Well, for some reason and I can't explain why, the event handling worked as I restarted and reopened my IDE for the third time in total. Hope it'll stay working as good as it does now.

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