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[1.6.4]cant get my itemID from config file


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a) Why are your EventHandlers static?

b) You create the Item before you load the config.

c) You should do all your Item creation and stuffs in preInit.

yea i can tell you none of that makes any diffrence. that was the first i tryied and did not work. i have made the event handlers not static anymore. but what ever the place i but the item creation it will not get the id from the config file :(

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Maybe it's different in 1.6.4, but in my version (1.7.2) Configuration does not have the signature you used. It doesn't even have that method.


Code you use:

config.getItem("Talisman core id", 6244, "determens the id of the core").getInt(6244);


The code I found:

    public Property get(String category, String key, int defaultValue, String comment)


So, get vs getItem, and the argument order and types differ.

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Show your new code.

here is what the code looks like right now: http://pastebin.com/JGSzCxAg


Maybe it's different in 1.6.4, but in my version (1.7.2) Configuration does not have the signature you used. It doesn't even have that method.


Code you use:

config.getItem("Talisman core id", 6244, "determens the id of the core").getInt(6244);


The code I found:

    public Property get(String category, String key, int defaultValue, String comment)


So, get vs getItem, and the argument order and types differ.

there is a get(String category, String key, int defaultValue) in 1.6.4 but i found the getItem method and that takes one less parameter than get, and that is the category :)

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public static Item talismancore;

public static int talibaseID;



Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());


talibaseID = config.get("Item", "Talisman core ID", theid).getInt();




talismancore = new talismancore(talismancoreID - 256).setUnlocalizedName("talismancore");


Thats it!



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It works fine for me on 1.6.4!

Don't know why he have to create items in preInit!

Yea i know right. I have a mod were i have done the same but have no config file. Is it the config that makes me need the preinit?


And i did not have the time yesterday to try it out, i will today when i get home.

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It works fine for me on 1.6.4!

Don't know why he have to create items in preInit!

Yea i know right. I have a mod were i have done the same but have no config file. Is it the config that makes me need the preinit?


And i did not have the time yesterday to try it out, i will today when i get home.


look here why you should register your items / blocks in preinit:


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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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well what happens when i put my item constructor inside preinit it make an error in init where i register my item.

[spoiler=Code not working]

public static int talismancoreID;



public void modconfig(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){

Item talismancore = new talismancore(talibase.talismancoreID).setUnlocalizedName("talismancore");

Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());



talibase.talismancoreID = talibase.talismancoreID + config.getItem("Talisman core id", 6244, "determens the id of the core").getInt(6244);






public void Load(FMLInitializationEvent event){



Item talismancore; // <-- eclipse wants that there


GameRegistry.registerItem(talismancore, "talismancore");



LanguageRegistry.addName(talismancore, "Talisman Core");





and it does't want to be a public constructor. so what do i do now???

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Please learn basic java before modding.

trust me, i would have learned it if i havent been stuck in a totaly stupid school system where i need 5 more years of school before i can actualy do anysort of programing, and i am only 17 -_-. but can someone tell me so i can learn from my failiure and hopefully get on with evrybodys lifes?

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SanAndreasP:I know what order the forge uses to load up the mod.


demand12:CTRL+C and CTRL+V my code and you are basically done!

i am sorry, i have scrolled past your code since you posted it, i have been scrolling to fast to see it xD.


but i tried your code, AND IT WORKS!!! thank you very much good sir

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